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Is There A Sizeable Muslim Community In Rwanda

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sandyRoe | 13:48 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
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2.2% are muslim.It is a christian country.
13:50 Wed 31st Jul 2024

2.2% are muslim.

It is a christian country.

Why are you asking, sandyRoe, and why is this 'News'?

I can guess. The man arrested for the Southport murders is reported to be born in Wales to refugees from Rwanda.

The rioters apparently assumed he is Muslim

The Rwanda civil war in 1994 resulted in 2Millions fleeing the country as the war turn into genocide of the Tutsis.   
That is possibly how someone from Rwanda might have ended up in the UK.

Perhaps you should be asking him why he is asking a question he knows the answer to, naomi24?

You've asked, clone.  Perhaps he'll answer you - or perhaps not.

He is just poorly attempting to s**** stir.

I think sandy is pointing out the idiocy of the rioters who attacked a mosque because they thought a Rwandan would automatically be muslim.    
If the children killer turns out to be a Christian, will they march on a Southport church?

Gromit, I think many of the rioters believed the claims on social media that the murderer was a Muslim illegal immigrant recently arrived on a dinghy. 

That the perpetrator was a Muslim, was mischievously put out on social media & the mob went wild.

There is a lesson to be learnt here.  

I think the idiocy lies in thinking the ones rioting at the mosque even cared if he was Muslim (they didn't)

It was very clear long before the attack who the perpetrator was. I had been reading about his father's Karate exploits the previous day.

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Why assume I know the answer to a question before I've asked it?

The answer at 14:33 has got close to my thinking.

Feel free to act stupid, sandyRoe but don't expect me to be stupid enough to believe your nonsense.

this has come up before- with the usual suspects trilling ( screaming even)  the usual  - why dat den?

2% - Muslim so the chance of a Rwandan in the dirt track ( in R) being muslim is 1:50. A chance I wd bet on ( I usually take 5%)

But - - - a Rwandan here - may have a higher chance (X) thro selection in some way

I know y'all did this at skool - dice rolling or cards ( chance of drawing a red card is 1/2 because 26 cards are red in a 52 card pack.

Now.... ( this is where I risk instant limbo) - the 2% can be called the prior chance. and combine that with the estmations that Rwandans muslims are somehow more concentrated here - -  and low and behold (x) is then posterior chance. - and this is AB's first surviving contact with Bayes Theorem ( 1762, so not exactly modern math)

Why assume I know the answer to a question before I've asked it?

er because it is AB and ABers frequently do that - and then exclaim, 'I knew dat already!' After twenty y it still drives me crazy

barry: "The rioters apparently assumed he is Muslim" - by their work shall we know them. It's pretty standard stuff for TROP so I can forgive that assumption.

Years ago football hooliganism and violence was orchestrated by men behind the scenes.

Now violence is orchestrated by social media and it seems there are many willing puppets, whilst their masters keep posting from the comfort of their homes.

//Years ago football hooliganism and violence was orchestrated by men behind the scenes.//

Not sure exactly what you mean by that, the organizers were always present for the fight.  

I'm guessing you were never a member of a crew?

The children killer is 17 years old and was born in the UK.   
He is not a recent illegal immigrant. He has not come from France on a dinghey. Probably not even muslim.

//I'm guessing you were never a member of a crew?//

..and you were of course. What a shocker.

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