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Why The Gasps?

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ToraToraTora | 09:13 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
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KH starts most sentences with a reference to being "a woman of colour" so why get coy about it now?



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Trump's point was that she spent years going on about her Indian heritage, and now an election looms, she wants the black vote as she has a black parent.   Just pointing out the opportunism.  
10:32 Thu 01st Aug 2024

If she doesn't want colour/ethnicity to be an issue she shouldn't keep harping on about it.

She has an Indian mother and a Jamaican father - why is this so difficult for Trump to understand? 

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so she's a Jamdian?

She's American

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yes she is an American so why does she start every speech reminding us that she's a woman of colour?

Trump can't get his head around the fact that she can be both black AND Indian. He probably thinks all Indians are red.

Given his response to some of the questions, i think this little session with black journalists may have backfired a tad.

He should rise above it - but he won't.

Trump's point was that she spent years going on about her Indian heritage, and now an election looms, she wants the black vote as she has a black parent.   Just pointing out the opportunism.  

Bang on Sinead, but the right on liberals n here, especially those with TDS, wont get it.

In case there is confusion, her mother is not Native American. She is from South India. 

As for "woman of colour " else should she describe herself? Of course she's also black as that is part of her genetics. That is her's what she is. Like many other black/ mixed race/ people of colour. 

//.how else should she describe herself? //


Why does she need to?

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pasta: "As for "woman of colour " else should she describe herself? " - why does she need to describe herself? It's irrelevant, she is the one obsessed with race. No one else starts every speech with a declaration of their ethnic group. Trump doesn't include "white bloke" in every speech does he?

Good Morning,

Donald Trump, who once claimed to be a “very stable genius,” came up with a new phrase to describe himself - a legitimate person.

Why can he describe himself that way but Harris gets lambasted when she describes herself ?



^That to TTT.

DDIL, she's a 'legitimate person' too.  We're all legitimate people regardless of ethnicity.   That's surplus to requirements.

"why does she start every speech reminding us that she's a woman of colour?"

because women who aren't white face unique challenges in the USA where racism and misogyny are still significant problems. she mentions it because it is an important part of her experience and career as a politician. 

TORATORATORA, "It's irrelevant, she is the one obsessed with race."

If it's irrelevant, why did Trump say, regarding her being Indian or black, "I think somebody should look into that too."?

"Trump's point was that she spent years going on about her Indian heritage, and now an election looms, she wants the black vote as she has a black parent."

the truth of course is that she is saying the same things about her background that she always has, and that the Republicans have only just started paying attention to her because they dismissed her as either a diversity hire or a woman who shagged her way to the top. they have nothing else to attack her with really. 

^^                ^^

Language timothy.

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