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Racist Riots Spread To Hartlepool And Westminster

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Untitled | 09:51 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
23 Answers

racists determined to use the southport attacks to justify violence against muslims or migrants have now turned out in Hartlepool and Westminster... one video shows Hartlepool rioters attacking an asian man and laughing

what can the government do to counter the threat of the far right? 



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Far right? lol

how are they racist?

what can the government do to counter the threat of the far right? 

1) Stop the Boats - get a handle on illegal immigration

2) Stop pandering to Islam, and allow underage murderers to be named.

3) For legal migrants, encourage respectful integration within a confident British cultural identity of longstanding values and behaviours.


Sinead.......bang on correct.

//what can the government do to counter the threat of the far right? //


I think you'll find it's not just the 'far right' who have very valid concerns about so-called multi-culturalism - although since it's a deregatory assessment, that, of course, is a handy label to tag them all with because it's specifically designed to silence.  What the government can do is listen and acknowledge the result of years of denial - but they won't.

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"very valid concerns"... any thoughts on the people in Hartlepool who attacked an asian man?

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"Stop pandering to Islam, and allow underage murderers to be named."

how are these things related?

//"very valid concerns"... any thoughts on the people in Hartlepool who attacked an asian man?//


Yes.  They're thugs.

"Stop pandering to Islam, and allow underage murderers to be named."

how are these things related?

Well if you prefer

2) Stop pandering to Islam

3) ...

4)  Allow underage murderers to be named.

Those that cannot see the issues (that have been brewing for years) are a big part of the problem.

Still far easier to silence those you disagree with buy the rather worn out 'Far-Right' tag.

However, these thugs need to be stopped they are not helping at all.

I saw white, black, Asian and mixed race racists  at the Westminster protests.



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underage murderers can be named when a judge rules that the case is exceptional... the southport murderer has not to the best of my knowledge appeared before a judge yet. 

why can't people just wait until the information is released? it is very likely that he will be named. 

"why can't people just wait until the information is released?"

I'm only hazarding a guess here, but perhaps it's because three little girls have been murdered in broad daylight?  And a further 10 stabbed.  Could that be it?

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and will knowing his name a few days earlier make them less dead or undo the injuries? of course not. 

people were so desperate for it to have been a muslim that they started a riot at a mosque in southport and have been attacking people who they think "look muslim" even though the police have clarified several times that the attacker is not a muslim (and even if he was... how would attacking random mosques and strangers make any sense?). just wait for the information like a normal person. 


Why would anyone assume the attacked would be a muslim?  Could it be because Islamists have 'form' when it comes to stabbing innocent civilians in broad daylight?

Good afternoon

@1240 they believe that because it was put on X(twitter) and shared, people believed it.

Someone on here believed it too and posted extensively about it (before the posts were removed).

Anything to say about my previous post, untitled?

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not really no. what would you like me to say?

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"Could it be because Islamists have 'form' when it comes to stabbing innocent civilians in broad daylight?"

and therefore... what? go and kick a muslim's head in the next time something horrible hapens? smash up a mosque? that's what happened this week.

He's ben nmaed as  Axel Rudakubana

A quick google search brings up Taffy

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