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How Long Until There Are No Women In Sports?

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youngmafbog | 14:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
155 Answers

This latest is unbelievable.  Not only was the IOC decisoin luducrous but also outright dangerous.  Boxing is not a sport to play woke politics with.

This needs to stop NOW.




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Perhaps the question would be better rephrased, 'How long until there are no women'?

Genitalia may not be sufficient to indicate sex definitively, although it's enough in the vast majority of cases; however it is one of the primary indicators when considering an intimate relationship. So I see no reason it ought not be taken into consideration in other situations, at least as an initial understanding. If other factors suggest ambiguity then best to err on the side of caution.

The way things are going, the reverse seems likely, we'll all be defined as women and able to take part in women's events in the Olympics.

maybe OG. perhaps more likely is sometime in the future, registration of offspring will be defer until such times as the individual decides for themselves what they are.

And did any of you see this boxer standing with the referee and the female opponent after today's fight? How anyone can dare say that's a woman who should be boxing another woman I don't know. It is so unfair.

Tell you what, bring new ambiguity to the phrase 'grow a pair'.

I suggest that registrations remains exactly as it is now observed at birth.

However, when it comes to sport, the sex-test  should be re-instated to prevent travesties such as those we have witnessed in Paris.

"perhaps more likely is sometime in the future, registration of offspring will be defer until such times as the individual decides for themselves what they are."

But they cannot decide what sex they are. That is determined nine months before they are born and (again, excepting in a very few extremely rare circumstances) it cannot be changed.

People can call themselves what they like, whenever they like. If parents are daft enough to indulge their children's fantasies whilst they are still minors, that's their privilege. Otherwise they will have to wait until they reach majority. But when they have decided they are going to call themselves something which they are not and never will be, they must not be surprised if it causes them problems.

I've never been able to run a mile in four minutes or make a hundred break at snooker. It's caused me untold despair and heartache. But life's a bit tough at times and you have to play the cards you are dealt.

You need to learn how to mark your deck.

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but my view is: take a cheek swab test to determine XX or XY chromosomes. If you're XY you're welcome to compete and live your Olympic dream, but only against men. Everyone's happy, yes? 

21.54--NJ. I totally agree. Imane must be going through agony with all the insults being thrown at her. Mother Nature does make mistakes and it seems as though she made one here. The developing female foetus would have had too much testosterone pumped into it. This would result in a baby with female genitalia but a male brain. Last year Imane probably failed the test because her testosterone levels would be excessively high.  

Fate shuffles the cards and we play. (Das Schicksal mischt die Karten, und wir spielen.)

Arthur Schopenhauer.

Yes, yes, all very interesting and relevant in various ways, but when someone has a baby, the birth must be registered within 42 days in the UK, and the person registering the birth has to declare if the child is male or female. There is no other option. I don't know the legal time scale in other countries, but I can't imagine there is any other option to declare the gender of the child other than male or female. Legal declaration of gender at birth should be the criteria. What's the problem with that? There isn't one, is there?

Can't believe the trobsicites on this thread defending the indefensible, have a look at the picture here, it's geezer, end of:

If that's a woman, is there a real man on AB that would like to kiss him?

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