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How Long Until There Are No Women In Sports?

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youngmafbog | 14:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
155 Answers

This latest is unbelievable.  Not only was the IOC decisoin luducrous but also outright dangerous.  Boxing is not a sport to play woke politics with.

This needs to stop NOW.




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Boxing is barbaric, it should have no place for men or women in any public arena, so really situation this just underlines that viewpoint.

I'm afraid, tough as it seems, the solution to this lies with the female boxers. They should simply say "I'm not getting into the ring with him" and that woud be that. If they all simply refused to compete against male opponents it would end forthwith. It needs 100% solidarity from the female boxers and it would be stopped in a trice. 

I agree that it should not be necessary but so long as the lunatics are running the asylum it will be. If the IOC are happy to see the women's boxing tournaments won by a man via a series of walkovers they might think again. But I doubt it.

I've just been reading about that, YMB.  I can't make head nor tail of what's going on there.

If boxing ceased to be promoted and sanctioned as a 'sport', the issue would vanish anyway.

The rights and wrong of boxing as a 'sport' are not the issue.  As I understand it this contestant has been barred from fighting women previously so why are the Olympic powers that be allowing it now?.

A simple rule change to allow women to kick the men opponents in the goolies work work.

it's odd because neither of the 2 named boxers identifies as trans and have always competed as females. also there seems to be two versions of the reason for their previous ban - that is, "having XY chromosomes" or "too much testosterone" - and no indication which was actually correct. to muddy the water further, the IOC has banned the IBA from overseeing the olympic boxing; it was the IBA that previously banned the boxers, but the IOC's own rules are not as strict. It's a bit of a mess.

Some of the more mature members of AB may remember the ladies from Eastern Europe who excelled in Olympic weightlifting competitions.

I'm sure there were never aspersions cast on their feminity.

What has changed now re this boxer?

Boxing is one of the sports in which physical strength is important.   

A woman boxer will never be as strong as a man.  Physical differences may be less important in some sports, but not Boxing.

I feel sorry for the Italian girl, she didn't stand a chance of defeating her opponent.  


This stupidity is getting out of hand.  Time to get back to basics. Men are men and women are women.

2.24pm - Is that a serious question?

naomi - // The rights and wrong of boxing as a 'sport' are not the issue. //

Specificallly, no, but the barbarity of the 'sport' is highlighted by the injuries suffered to one of the participants.

To indulge in a situation where the entire raison d'etre is to inflict sufficient physical harm to your opponent that they are unable to continue - often resulting in brain damage - is not the behaviour of sportsmen and women in a civilised society.

That barbaric set-up facilitated this woman's injuries, which could have been a lot worse.

It should be banned.

I've just been listening to Steve Bunce (Who I'm sure you will admit knows more about boxing than every ABer combined) on Radio Five talking about this. There are some definite red flags in this witch hunt against Imane Khelif which need to be addressed before she is burnt at the stake. 


first thing is that she is not transgender, and to anyone's knowledge, doesn't identify as such. She has been boxing for a long while, and was defeated in an early round in the 2020 Olympics. This test she has allegedly failed, nobody has seen the actual test results or know anything about them, including the boxers themselves. The IBA, who administered the tests, are a Russian run organisation who were stripped of their status by the IOC last year, so have an almighty axe to grind with the IOC. 

I'm not saying these fighters are clean, but there are a lot of discrepancies that need to be addressed before they are banned.

I agree with Gromit at 14:22 - a low blow or a targeted kick will help sort out the boys from the girls.

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So you think it is ok then sandyRoe?

//first thing is that she is not transgender, and to anyone's knowledge, doesn't identify as such. //


Perhaps simply presenting as a woman without the declaration is a choice in this case.

wolf - // I agree with Gromit at 14:22 - a low blow or a targeted kick will help sort out the boys from the girls. //

Quite apart from the fact that such a change in the rules to allow a low blow or kick would mean that boxing would have to be re-labelled as 'cage fighting', my knowldge of physiology confirms that a hard punch to the genitals of either gender would render them unable to continue, so the first person to land such a blow would win automatically.

Are you sure you've thought this through?

I don't know.  If she's a woman stronger than her opponents then that's their bad luck to encounter her.

If she is a he, he shouldn't be fighting women.

what is it that needs to stop? they are both women. 

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Jesus H.

Well maybe someone should die first?

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