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Good Morning Friday Birds!!

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Smowball | 07:19 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

Well, just getting  last bits together and then my cab is arriving at 8.15am to take me to the station! One train to the main station and then the big chunk of over 4.5 hours to the last station, then another cab. Shud be in Devon mid afternoon hopefully. No idea what to wear yet as they weather looks very unpredictable but will just fling something on in a minute!



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Lucky you, Smow, you must be so excited. I love a long train journey. 

Hot, sunny and dry weather forecast for me today.

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Ahh morning Barry - my first Early Bird x

Yes, well yesterday was just melting here - 29/30, so so hot, then about 6pm the sky just went black and we had the most torrential rain I think Ive ever seen!! Our road turned into a mini-river! Thunder, lightning, was all pretty dramatic. Was like the middle of the night. Then after about hr and a half it slowly cleared and back to clear skies.  Have woken up and very grey again but still pretty muggy.

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Well play nicely guys and will spk to you all in the morning! x

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Good Morning Friday Birds!!

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