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Swings And Roundabouts

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jackthehat | 09:18 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | News
9 Answers

Goodness.....who'd a thunk it?

A Labour government is a Labour government is a Labour government.....



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Given that the value of a property own owns has no direct reflection on their ability to pay or indeed what they have got out of being part of the society we are all in, any tax based on it is a loathsome undefendable grab at the citizens savings.


Going from bands to perceived price is no improvement. The whole system needs removing and tax raised in a fairer manner by other means.


Keeping it as either of those systems means unfairly penalising those who didn't fritter away their earnings on "wine, women, and song" but into their property instead. They should be encouraged not hit. It also hits those who inherited the family home as well. It is utterly obnoxious.


Maybe they should rethink replacing it with higher income tax instead as at least that reflects how each individual has benefited from society and should be ok with contributing back to it.

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In 'depressed' area where properties have low values, the CT intake will halve. Goodness only knows which local services will have to suffer because of this.


It's a pity the Poll Tax wasn't a "goer".

On the contrary, it never took into consideration the ability to pay either. Plus it meant folk putting up crowded in property because they couldn't afford anything better would end up paying more than those with something spacious and more than suitable for their needs.

That's social engineering - forcing wealthier people out of nicer houses?

More people (adults) in a property usually = more income & more usage of public services. They should pay more.

Maybe a community charge instead, where everyone contributes something. Hang we tried that 30 years ago but the great unwashed decided they didn't want to pay their way so went rioting in London. 

I wonder how much it would cost to go around valuing houses and all the admin work needed - including dealing with people appealing the valuation.

Gonna be chaos

jobs for the boys - typical Labour

// so went rioting in London.//

& Liverpool & elsewhere.

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