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So When You Are On The Run From The Courts.......

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ToraToraTora | 21:18 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
17 Answers got off to Turkey to get your boat lifted! I thought she was £750k up the pictures how can she afford 10 bags for surgery?



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Perhaps she has gone to have her neck re-brassed?

I mentioned this elsewhere...the woman's got cheek.

Could you please write like an adult TTT...while I can understand what you are saying, it may as well be the ramblings of a generation z yoof 😆 🤣 

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untwist the alans love you know me long enough to know what I'm writing. Just ignore me if you like but don't tell me how to write.

Could you please write like an adult TTT...while I can understand what you are saying, it may as well be the ramblings of a generation z yoof

Could you please write like an adult TTT...while I can't understand what you  say ever  , it may as well be the ramblings of a generation z yoof, or a mystic meg prediction or a load of ya-ya ( preferred option)

no extradition for this ( ooli mooli danga danga) so she cant be clawed back

and yeah I agree - bloody  great cheek !

but don't tell me how to write.

dont write like a 12 y old - I know you arent twelve

Mr Pot, have you met Mr Kettle?

Lol AH.

To get back to the original post kiddies, if Price has skipped a court appearence then she surely in contempt of court and can be arrested.  I wonder what this person has to do to be held responsible for anything?

"Katie, who was joined by a film crew......."

Yeah, says it all.  I hope the Teflon re-coating went well.

Be interesting to see who meets her on arrival at whichever airport she lands at. Maybe the Orange Oilers  could be put to good use

I wonder if she realises how grotesque she is.

She won't be arrested now: they can't recognise her.

How does she keep getting away with it?  If she does go 'inside' she will have loads of fans in there and she will write a book about it when she comes out.  Reminder me to buy it from Poundland.  Not. 

ps. what are "Orange Oilers"? just askin'

I'd guess orange coloured garments. Overalls maybe ? Or weatherproofs.

Orange Oilers The just stop oil idiots could glue her to the plane

I doubt very much she has paid for any of it given a 'film crew' is present.

Grifter to the last this one, needs a spell in pokey to straighten her mind.

Mind 6 months in a decent nick and she'll probably need another 10K face job!

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