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Same, naomi.

That's what's bugging me about this, clone.  This doesn't appear to have been a random attack.  He took a taxi specifically to that place.  Why?

Perhaps patience could be exercised until the trial when you may get your answer, naomi.

You seem to be obsessing.

It's the cynic in me, Douglas.

Have you considered an exorcism?

Did it work for you?

Indeed it did, my possession involved always wanting the last word but that's all in the past now.

You wasted your money.

We don't know why Hamilton killed all those children in Dunblane, nor why James Bulger was targeted by two young boys, nor why the mass shooting happened in Hungerford.

These atrocities are impossible for me to understand. There can never be any justification for any of it.

It's pointless speculating



It's the cynic in me, Douglas.

no it is the Naomi in her, Doug

This thread reads like a Meghan scene from The Windsors. It is about Axel R, innit ?

He was OK when he was younger and isnt now - but that is the case witha lot of diseases innit

bit on young onset of schizophrenia and violence here

bit of a long read to be honest

I hope the plod have seized any/all internet devices he had access to for forensic analysis.

I'm still not sure why Tora's beliefs are beggared though. What is it about a tv appearance when he was 11 that leaves you flabbergasted? Are you insinuating that the BBC are somehow at fault here?

I find myself asking if there is a connection between him targeting a children's dance school...and his early acting experiences at age 11. Did he do any more? Are they connected in some way? 

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Axel Rudakubana On The Bbc....

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