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Any "Far Right" Protests Going On

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nailedit | 13:08 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | News
75 Answers

where you live?

Just returned home after getting caught up in one in my city centre.




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Take care  Nailedit  - hope things ok for you x

Things like that don't happen here - yet.

13 .16 Things like that don't happen where Naomi lives. She lives in the land of the privileged people.

" 13 .16 Things like that don't happen where Naomi lives. She lives in the land of the privileged people."

No,that's you gulliver as you are prone to remind us occasionally.

-- answer removed --

13.28 Vulcan. How's the new job going as cabin crew with Ryan Air....?

13,32 Bet he votes conservative.😎

Great, thanks gulliver, haven't had as much fun since I had the mumps.

//She lives in the land of the privileged people.//

Says Gully from his Mediterranean retreat.

13.38 Don't forget to keep both hands on hips.

gully is right. it does happen here. the BUF, the NF, the BNP, Britain First and the EDL. the far right has a long history in this country and to ignore it serves their interests. the truth is that if you dress up far right ideas in suits and "polite" language (e.g. "having concerns") then there are plenty of people who will flock to it. 

"the truth is that if you dress up far right ideas in suits and "polite" language (e.g. "having concerns") then there are plenty of people who will flock to it."

So are those on the so-called "Far Right" not entitled to voice their concerns that the cultural identity of this country is being compromised to such a degree that in many parts it is almost unrecognisable?

Note that I am not condoning riots and setting police cars alight. But that is what you seem to be saying. If they're not permitted to voice their concerns, why is that? Is it because you and they do not share the same views? 

Of course it happens where you live, untitled.  You live in London!

It would appear there is some kind of protest going on in Hull outside the hotel they use to house illegals. Don't know any details yet.

Most so called 'right wing' are actually everyday people who are being ignored by the government.  They are decent and patriotic, unfortunately they are also infused with a lower element of disenchanted ne-er do wells. 

What would an infusion of higher elements look like?

Probably. All criticism of parliament is far right, isn't it ?

@13.49.The far-right has a history of anti-semitism,anti-Zionism,anti-Jews.Nowadays it is the far-left who embrace these views.Strange days indeed.

The main difference in the two extremes is how they dress.

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Any "Far Right" Protests Going On

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