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I agree.  

They used to hang looters in the war. Just saying.

Corporal punishment, none of this holiday camp garbage.

Get them bent over a trestle in the square and let everybody witness it as buttocks are flayed.

Bet we'd all be surprised at the results and less likely to coddle and pander.

Too many perverts would enjoy watching 

send them to Rwanda

That would be fine except we don't have any space left in prisons. 

3 years behind a Greggs counter🤣🤣

.They used to hang looters in the war. Just saying.

no they didnt see above - that wd be hanging for a non-capital crime (*) and the British didnt (+)

One doughty ABer a few years ago cdnt get his brayne around non-capital crime = crime in which some doesnt get killed ( or in ABspeak - deaded). god knows what he thought it mean

(+) but did anyone? Yes Shepton Mallet took convict GIs and two were hanged for  rape 1941-5

I did a double-take on that one

With hard labour.

Dougie you have been  watching / looking at too many animme/ manga cartoons....

Hard labour ended 1948 - treadmill ended 1902

well bring them back - it is going tto be one of those days on AB

The law was changed to allow looters to be hanged during the war as it was rife. 56 cases in one day at the Old Bailey, 10 were auxiliary firemen.  It was supposed to be a deterrent and nobody was hanged, they were either fined or sent to prison.

Question Author

Stick a penny in the £ on income tax, take a penny in the £ off benefits and build more prisons.

Without proper law and order, society becomes survival of the fittest.

Clearly these hooligans don't see a deterrent.  
We are dealing with different offences so when a protest turns violent it should be declared a riot, and a loud siren used.

The siren denotes special powers are in use:   
1. Instant curfew - Any one who doesn't disperse = £1000 fine.   
2. Vandalism = £2000 fine.  
3. Attacks on the police = £3000 fine + prison.  
4. Arson £5000 fine + prison

"Too many perverts would enjoy watching"


First of all, thanks for the link to your thought train


where's the harm in looking?

Just put up warning signs along the lines of the broadcasters 'viewers may find...' nonsense for the terminally squeamish and flog on.

@12.28.Lets try it on the Harehills rioters first gromit.When all the fines are paid from that riot we can try it on Robinsons lot.

// Lets try it on the Harehills rioters first  //

Too late that was a fortnight ago.

But I agree. Any riot where police, property, criminal damage, religious buildings or banks are attacked need to be forcefully policed and stopped as quickly as possible. Regardless of who is rioting.

well good luck with that if the gov don't take some effective measures against the illegals & the disquiet spreads.

I think the gov rubber stamping acccess to some 100,000 incomers may have been a trigger (apart from Southport of course)


Illegal immigrants come and you support attacking the police?

How does setting fire to a van or local businesses solve anything?

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