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It's All Kicking Off, Or Is It?

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sandyRoe | 13:58 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | News
17 Answers

Stephen Waxy-Lemon should announce he's returning to Dover and wants like minded people to march with him, in the style of El Duce's march on Rome, to Westminster where they could throw out the government and put things right.

If the march was too long for his supporters he might consider organising a beer-hall putsch.  Is there a Spoons anywhere near parliament?



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Sandy, I have watched your ( totally amazing) threads - being "closed in the next fifteen minutes" and complained to the Editor in forthright terms that if things are terminated for being "un-mimsy" or in the wrong place, then people wdnt bother to post at all.Not even relocated for youperhaps we cd have a section - "unmimsy and unfunny" reserved for Sandy PP...
11:35 Sun 04th Aug 2024

nowt better to do sandy? shame

You think his protest will throw over the government when others don't ?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Please be aware of this when organising rallies or marches in areas where staircases abound.

I think sandy loves Tommy as much as gully loves Boris.

This has appeared in the news section by mistake.

Tommy Robinson should be extradited back to the UK to face justice

Don't bite.  This is sandyRoe's well-worn wooden spoon in action.   

Spungle 18.18 "This has appeared in the news section by mistake "Hang around Spungle while I phone Naomi. She will soon get it removed.

Is it me or is the UK turning into a nation of protest marches.We have had the Hamas supporting marches,we have had the SNP hate marches up here in Scotland and now we have these EDL hate marches.I give up.

 if there's any weapons or anything like that, what I would do is discard  them at the mosque.

EDL doesn't exist apparently, so that would be a red herring. 


Yeah, allow one lot freedom to anything they want and those agin it decide they can protest too, and have more right to.


Once authorities have screwed up sufficiently that they gender no respect it becomes difficult to calm things down. Certainly if they simply blame the protesters and look no deeper as to the cause.

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The Right is revolting and when I make an oblique reference to that Naomi24 dismisses me with the comment that I'm utilising my wooden spoon.

It's most discouraging.

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I posted an almost identical question in chatterbox and it was deleted by a Mod who said it shouldn't have been there. Where am I to go?

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Probably best if that's ^ treated as a rhetorical question.

Isn't there a Tommy bashing sub-forum somewhere ?

he could sneak back in a locked Eurostar carriage, like Lenin

Sandy, I have watched your ( totally amazing) threads - being "closed in the next fifteen minutes" and complained to the Editor in forthright terms that if things are terminated for being "un-mimsy" or in the wrong place, then people wdnt bother to post at all.

Not even relocated for you

perhaps we cd have a section - "unmimsy and unfunny" reserved for Sandy PP Hymie and Gullz  -  (joke)


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