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I Wouldn't Want To Appear To Be Aiding Members Of The Far-Right...

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sandyRoe | 18:42 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | News
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...but someone should tell them committing violence in front of so many cameras isn't really a good idea.  It could lead to a prolonged diet of porridge.



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"Shame they didnt do the same for other protesters"

who didnt, what protesters?

23:19 interesting just substitute muslim for all the names she calls everyone who wants their country back and she describes Islam! Cheers Hymie you made my day.

Another clue as to the political allegiance of the rioters, was a number of them giving Nazi salutes.

Hyme, I watched your video up to just over three minutes after a woman's voice was heard saying why she wants the boats stopped.   What was wrong with what she said?

Hymie, I've just watched a bit more.  Apparently the boat people 'have the right to remain here'.  I didn't watch on.  Hopefully next time you'll post something credible to support your views - but since that's not what you do, I won't hold my breath.

The issue is that the main stream media and the government authorities are referring to all protestors as ‘far right’, thus devaluing the meaning of the phrase, while minimising the genuine complaint and trying to deflect the government's role in creating the situation.  It isn't even clear if any are truly holders of far right political views. A few acting so to create a reaction is hardly proof.


While the violence is clearly abhorrent, it is very understandable. No one should be putting the lives of people in hotels at risk, however these hotels, and those that own them, symbolise some of the worst of the issue. The owners profit, at taxpayers' expense, from the fact that the government refuses to tackle the problem but passes it on by arranging accommodation for the immigrants at various places. Not secure camps note, but in local hotels !  This not only costs UK citizens their tax money, but by ensuring the illegal economic migrants, who pretend to be asylum seekers, remain in the local areas, in their hotel enclave, it serves as a daily reminder of the contempt government holds for the public.


The sooner the government looks to themselves as the cause of the unrest, rather than tell others that they will be sorry, the sooner progress could be made.

Well said, OG.



Is the change of government a factor? Labour went to great lengths to stymie the Tory measures (futile as they were) to stem the tide of illegals. How can they be expected to deal effectively with that situation now?

Since they were opposed to Tory plans, one would have thought they had a viable alternative. 

Tories tried what they could and were symied by our own trobiscitery and of course Labour supported none of it. Now It's Kneel Stalin's turn and he'll do burger all because they want them here. All part of their islamification of Britain plans, that's why gromit, untitled and co are crying into their harira bacause it's showing the public how far it's gone already.

//Another clue as to the political allegiance of the rioters, was a number of them giving Nazi salutes.//

Actually means nothing, anyone can give that salute.  Wouldnt put it past far left anarchists trying to whip up trouble.

There are far right out there but I doubt all those rioters are and certainly not all the protesters. I suspect most rioters coulnt point out the right side of their bum let alone a political side.

//Since they were opposed to Tory plans, one would have thought they had a viable alternative.//

And that I think is a large part of the final nail.  This has been brewing for a long time, I have raised it but the left refused to see it as they still do. Add to that Sir 'Two Tier' Starmers awful speeh alienating even more and Robber Reeves theivery from pensioners I think people have seen there is no hope and so are protesting.  And of course the extremiists then latch on and we are where we are.

TTT seems to be worried about some plan for Islamification of Britain.


According to the 2011 census, around 85% of the UK population were either Christian or of no religion - with 4.4% being Islamic.


10 years on, and the 2021 UK census shows those being Christian or of no religion to be as the 2011 census, with less than 6% being Islamic.


So the plan for Islamification of Britain is not going very well.

Some might say that a 1.6% increase is a fair few bodies as a share of the population.

Go on, work it out for yourself.

15:54 by your own figures it has increased 36% between 2011 and 2021, I'd say it's going very well.

During the same period, the number following Hinduism increased by over 22%, are you going to protest at the plan to Hinduismification the UK?

The sooner the government looks to themselves as the cause of the unrest,

chrissakes, they  have only been in power for 6 weeks - even  the durr-est members of AB can see that being the cause of anything is a stretch

I wouldnt want to be aiding members of the far-right....

since there are no members of the far-right on AB ( PP keeps face straight ) then no one here can answer

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