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Sir Kneel Stalin Announces His Own Stasi......

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ToraToraTora | 14:05 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | News
72 Answers

How dare the indigenous population of this country take exception to its invasion and islamification. Funny they don't seem bothered about the muslim gangs shouting "allahu akbar" and rioting.



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So, Keir, seeing as you said "Labour are the patriotic party now", that you're "proud to be English" and that  Labour "are committed to putting our patriotic values into practice" what ARE you going to do about uncontrolled mass illegal immigration into Britain?   Putting a sticking plaster on the problem isn't going to cut it.

Will those arrested get bail like the Manchester Airport two and no charges as yet or ever perhaps they should indentify as a miniority group as they are.

No invaders=No protests.

Worth adding to this post too:-


TTT seems to be worried about some plan for Islamification of Britain.


According to the 2011 census, around 85% of the UK population were either Christian or of no religion - with 4.4% being Islamic.


10 years on, and the 2021 UK census shows those being Christian or of no religion to be as the 2011 census, with less than 6% being Islamic.


So the plan for Islamification of Britain is not going very well.

How very dare we become upset because tens of thousands of young men, criminals with intent have invaded our country. This potential army of the as yet unled will convert and contaminate our national culture.

But of course that is achieved with political approval.

Right wing my eye. 

Question Author

15:58 by your own figures it has increased 36% between 2011 and 2021, I'd say it's going very well. 1.6 point increase is over a million. Did they do maths on your planet?

During the same period, the number following Hinduism increased by over 22%, are you going to protest at the plan to Hinduismification the UK?

//So the plan for Islamification of Britain is not going very well.//

Taking UK as a whole you are right. But surely you've seen what's happened to certain areas of places like Bradford, Leeds, Rochdale, Bolton, Blackburn, London and West Midlands. Some schools now are predominantly Asian heritage Muslim pupils with police no-go areas where high speed car racing for young drivers example is not tackled

"I detest the violence as much as anyone"

I don't believe you

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The above post should surely have included " shouting Allahu Akbar while throwing fireworks, tiles and eggs and storming police lines"

Hymie, your reference to Hinduism displays ignorance.  

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16:16/16:27 Believe what you like but I'm just saying I can see why it's kicking off, can't you?

care to answer my questions at 15:22

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Untitled, you were asked yesterday to tone it down.  If you can't control your emotions or your temper, step away from the discussion until you can.

your question is whether not i agree with the government's immigration policy, which is irrelevant. i don't but if i explain why then it will derail the thread and also repeat much of a discussion i had with newjudge about having an ageing population a couple of weeks ago. if you really want to know what i think about immigration (and i don't think you care... i wouldn't in your position) then i wrote most of it there. 

i will post as i see fit thanks naomi. 

Editorial oversight seems to be somewhat lacking today.

Perhaps a Zoom call to get folks back into line?

Question Author

16:55 fine but can you not see why many people are angry? They are not all Nazis. You are comming across as a left wing bully boy as intollerant as those that you are raging about. Wind your neck in and try to think outside your own bigotry.

Untitled, you've been asked politely.  If your inflammatory posts disappear you will have no cause for complaint.

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