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Can't go to bed until everyone's home safely tonight.

"all who are in the path"

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The only violence here is Saturday night drunken fights...and there used to be conflicts between janners(native plymothians) and naval personnel. 

Thanks all of you who have expressed concern - and others who maybe thought it, but didn't type (I know that happens). Nothing since, so I hope that means she is driving. xx to all


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Let us know when she's back home.

I just hope that the Police officers involved are all safe and uninjured.

There is NEVER a valid excuse for this type of violent behaviour.

I hope no AB persons are suffering as a result of this moronic behaviour.


Why worry?  Keir Starmer, the nation's very own chocolate fireguard, has it all in hand.

Thank you all  for your concern.  It was a bit late to post when I finally got a message that they were clear of Plymouth. She didn't get home until after 5 a.m..  Such a relief.  

Pasta did you get through it all OK?

Oh Good, I can go to bed now;-)

Sorry, ladyb.  Sleep well.   :)

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Thanks SO much for the update jourdain. Did you get any sleep? If it was ,it would be very little.

The last report I'd seen was that while the counter protesters left before dark, the thugs continued to cause mayhem and went into other areas of the city. I don't think that's the last of them.

Thank you  pasta.  Saw daughter and g'daughter today when they fetched their dogs (we've homed them for the holiday).  I hadn't realised quite what a relief it was until I hugged them.

Yes, I'm pretty sleepy. Apart from all that a friend has just gone - he needed a few hours talking through and soothing because his baby (black Labrador) had to be put to sleep. She was his first dog and he adored her.  I'm wrung out t.b.h., but he has gone home that bit more accepting and understanding and daughter's dogs are romping around familiar ground - so all worthwhile.  I think I could sleep until next Easter at the moment!

PS  Selfish of me, sorry, I gather that you and yours were all safe.


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I've only just seen your response jourdain. I'm glad all is it is here.

I went into town the next day and you'd never know yobs had been making themselves known the previous night. The city centre was tidy.

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