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What's An 'Attenuating Energy Projectile '?

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sandyRoe | 12:19 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

Reports in the local press say the police used two of them when faced with rioters.



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Attenuating means reduced, plastic bullet?

"Rubber" bullets.

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Some type of rubber bullet.


Amazing isnt it, Plod can fight back it they want to and not just run away from them like they do with 'other' rioters.

Why use 2 words when you can talk a load of rubbish and think you are clever?

That would spoil a 10cc song.

I'm surprised the police do not employ 'snatch squads'. I've seen quite a few videos of the riots when some snarling thug or other has been right in the face of a cop which, imho, looks like thrarenong behaviour.

Get the 'snatch squad' to drag them behind lines and bung them in the 'hurry up' wagon.

'threatening behaviour'!

Where did that peculiar word come from?

More water with it Ken?   ;o))

Pity Sadiq sold Boris's water cannons.

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Police tactics now seem to photograph miscreants and arrest them later.

The trouble with not using snatch squads is that it allows the rioters to continue with their vandalism.

That phrase had a whole different meaning back when we had free speech and filthy minds.

13:07 Load up load up load up the attenuating energy projectiles.... Doesn't really scan!

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What's An 'Attenuating Energy Projectile '?

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