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Jess Phillips Accused Of ‘Making Excuses’ For Masked Gang

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webbo3 | 17:42 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
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Dreadful woman.

well we know who Labour are supporting don't we!

No surprise at the first two people to comment.😂

Who are you a fan of, Dukedelorca?  Violent Muslims or the ghastly Jess Phillips - or both?

Too much time cruising about in BMWs. They would be much fitter walking the beat!

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Jess Phillips - the Waynetta Slob of politics



Proof, if anyone needed it, that the Labour party are the real threat to security in this country.  Sick.

How many do you think will be arrested for violent disorder? Has anyone(you know who) informed them that plod is going to study video footage and then bring down the lumpen full force of the law? Will the video footage even survive the week? 

//Who are you a fan of, Dukedelorca?  //

of gulliver1, obviously 😂

they are untouchable, diversity is our strength so we are told, they are the victims the oppressed, now let me think how many have been murdered by this cult in the uk let alone europe, oh mental disorders...


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Jess Phillips Accused Of ‘Making Excuses’ For Masked Gang

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