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You Never Really Know Someone

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douglas9401 | 09:03 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | News
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I couldn't finish reading that.  What a creature!!  Vile!!

I couldn't read it either.  I'm waiting for the usual 'I always knew there was something odd about him' comments in the media.  People always seem to know after the arrest. 

If only these vile creatures looked like the monsters they are.

I couldn't read it all either.

Total Savage.

-- answer removed --

thankfully I don't think I've heard of this pervert prior to this...

they should do to him what he did to those animals, what a low life.

Who on earth would be preparing to do that, TTT?

his fellow animal torturers perhaps?

This is truly disgusting. I couldn't read the article. 

he spent 20 years doing it in Britain, then?

People seem more concerned about the animal abuse than the child abuse. Perhaps he didn't do the latter, just shared files.

What a ridiculous thing to say, jno.  This thread is about one man physically abusing animals and people are rightly revolted and outraged, just as they are when children are abused.

This is just how angry people can be when they believe somebody has been abusing children.

The recent discussion about the terminology used in law does not detract from the revulsion felt about child abusers.

What an absolutely vile person.  Now I understand how it is possibe to hate someone I've never met.

I read the whole article in the DM and it does not give details of what he did to those poor creatures.

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