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Tommy Tennames - Should We Cancel His Uk Citizenship ?

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Gromit | 23:46 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | News
25 Answers

The bankrupt enjoying a luxury holiday and orchestrating the riots from his subed, will undoubtedly be imprisoned at huge cost to the taxpayers on his return to blighty.   
Should we just cancel his citizenship like we did with that other terrorist traitor, Shamima Begum ?   
Keep him out, save our dosh and good riddance.



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You have any evidence that he's orchestrated riots ? Or is it just hearsay ?

It's said he has an Irish passport.  We'd need to ask them to cancel that as well.

Oooh, you big old trobiscite, you'll have our neocons spitting out their breakfast port and pork scratchings all over their screens.

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Tommy Tennames social media activity is closely monitored. GCHQ knows everyone he has contacted and where they were during the riots. The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001  is unequivocal, and this traitor will have his collar felt if he tries to re-enter the country. Immediate arrest, prison for contempt of court, and then further terrorism offenses once he is walled up.

Don’t be so ridiculous.  How would you like to have your own citizenship cancelled?

You have any evidence that he's orchestrated riots ? Or is it just hearsay ?

Gromit - if he can do it all from his sunbed abroad he's probably not too bothered about returning to the UK.

//GCHQ knows everyone he has contacted and where they were during the riots.//

How do YOU know what GCHQ knows? Are you a spook?

What a load of leftist twaddle.

I know, lets cancel your shall we?

As for all the 'claims', if you are party to all this info perhpas you should let the security services know, you seem a better spook than they are!

Personally I reckon there is quite a file on you.

no we should not.

he seems a jerk (to me at least - hero to others of course) but that's no reason to take away someone's citizenship.

If that were possible I would start with the real traitors. The ones planning how to take over the country, not the ones planning on how to take it back.

^good point.

If we are doing that then lets do the same with all the lefty 5C like you gromit. The problems are caused by trobiscites like you. This is the natural outcome of anti British trobbery over the last 50 years, and yes the Tories are not much better than Labour in this area.

That's going to leave a stain.

clone 09:40 BA right there.

I feel like I'm at a Trump rally with Bubba, Cletus and Jimbob at the microphone.

you would need to prove your claims,,can you???tommy has been warning us for years about what would happen.this is not about immigration,it's about illegal immigration,undocumented people.that needs to stop

Tommy Robinson isn't anti-British, he's pro-British. What a ridiculous question.  Do you have proof he's orchestrating riots from abroad?

Perhaps a more sensible question would be: Should calling people "racist" or "Nazis" just because they oppose illegal immigration or the islamification of our Nation become a hate crime? It's about time that kind of hate speech was criminalised.

Katie Hopkins has been arrested at Heathrow for failing to attend court. Whoever next?

Katie Price I think

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