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Nice To Go Away For A Week.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:15 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | News
11 Answers

Then your plane gets cancelled and you are stuck there.....



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Adventure of a lifetime. Hope they brought their "smart" phone/camera. And lots of board games.

I wonder if they have negotiated double-pay (overtime rates).

I dont understand why they can't come back. How do ISS crew return when they've done their stint?

All the flights are planned well in advance with the available seats there or back allocated. As it stands, the two men's craft may be too dangerous to use for a manned flight back and may be returned unoccupied under computer control. Then to get the two back will involve sending a craft with empty seats, leaving the intended occupants out of the mission.

I hope there is enough food for a long stay!

Food was my first thought too!

How many are actually up there at any given time? 

''Earlier this week, Nasa used a SpaceX rocket to deliver more food and supplies to the ISS, including extra clothes for the two astronauts.''



Thanks chelle...I forget the spacestation is even up there...let alone that it's manned. 

if Sandra Bullock can do it, they should be able to. Of course she had help from Geroge Clooney, even after he was dead.

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Nice To Go Away For A Week.....

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