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"I Am English, Leave Me Alone."

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sandyRoe | 13:06 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | News
22 Answers

Said a mature man armed with a cosh as he was being arrested by the police.

Would you laugh at him or pity him?



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one swallow does not a summer make


Did you see the looters in Peterborough.

More swallows than a wine-tasting event.

He is a fool. If he had said "I am muslim, leave me alone" he would have been allowed to carry on. 

What man?  Have you got a link?


Is this one of your wooden spoon jobs again, sandyRoe?

If there's no room in the prisons I hope they are being held in 4* hotels!

Did he have a Blefast accent?

Is that in Wales?


Is this one of your wooden spoon jobs again, sandyRoe?

WHAT is a spoon job ? Anyway it is the man who was in court today. The evidence offered was that whilst he was insisting he was an Eng-lish-man ( thank you gilber and sullivant) -it needed three policeman to subdue him.

retired widowed welder - 30 m in chokey, will do 15 I suppose

Blimey!  Something you don't know, Peter Pedant!  Not like you to confess it!  

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For he might have been a Roosian,

A French, or Turk, or Proosian,

Or perhaps Itali-an!



Or perhaps Itali-an!



But in spite of all temptations

To belong to other nations,

He remains an Englishman!

ay thenk yew

you have had quite a long  clear run today Sandy

Question Author

I've already been traduced once today by being accused of wielding a notional wooden spoon.

Tis particularly annoying when I hope to educate and at the same time amuse my readers.

Our hero may have use for a spurtle as he does his porridge.

'Tis particularly annoying when I hope to educate and at the same time amuse my readers.

I find you informative and amusing - there are others who never, face it, find you amusing - but  hey that is life !

He was trying to burn down a library.  What The Funicular?

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"I Am English, Leave Me Alone."

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