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Is This The End Of The Line.

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gulliver1 | 12:20 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

Senior Tories are worried and have sounded the alarm over the Surge towards  Labour and Reform after their worst results at the Ballot box for 100 years.With the Tories in the middle of a contest to replace Sunak. Former Brexit minster David Jones says there is now a real prospect of Reform overtaking the Cons .With many Cons getting "Frit" and thinking of joining Reform to save their skins. Oh Dear.



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No, but they should mind the gap.

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Didn't realise it was the worst result for the Cons for a hundred years. Hard to believe the present bunch of Cons are more unpopular than even Thatcher was...That takes some believing😎.

The Tories have 121 seats and Reform have 5. Easy to see who won that contest. No one in their right minds would switch parties.    
The Conservatives need to pick the right leader after 3 duds. Problem is it takes them forever and they need to be holding the new government to account, not fighting each other for months.

// Hard to believe the present bunch of Cons are more unpopular than even Thatcher was //

So unpopular in fact that she won 3 general elections and the Tories were in power for 18 years.

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Gromit. At the end of Thatchers reign she was the most hated PM ever ...Street partys were held and she even had hate songs written about her when she passed on .Remember!

//Street partys were held and she even had hate songs written about her when she passed on .//

Probably by the same sort of mindless thugs who've been involved in the recent riots.

Yes this is the end of the line, for Labour. Real Labour was last elected 50 years ago, we saw the result. Sadly many Labour voters in July had not experienced real labour, now they have 5 years to repent, which they will. There is a reason that real Labour have been in power for only 24 years out of the 124 years of their existance. Real Labour willl not win again for another half century. The poor saps that voted for them in July will not again. 2029 will be a Tory win. So yes Gully I am happy to agree. BA?

Even Corbyn got more votes! PMSL!

// At the end of Thatchers reign she was the most hated PM ever  //

Not really. The Tory party replaced her with major and spent another 5 years in power. A seamless well choreographed hand over.

//Even Corbyn got more votes! PMSL!//


But Sunak didn't! ROFLMAO!

Winning 3 general elections had more to do with the alternative being unpopular than it is with the incumbent being popular. A bit like today and the last government election.


As for switching parties. It seems unlikely the Tories will actually do anything on the issues the public are concerned about, they had plenty of opportunity to do what was needed. So it is a risk to stay with a party that has lost credibility. If it comes to that, that applies to both "main" parties.


Switching to a party that says and looks credible, that they will tackle those issues, may well be a smart move. After all, when a party has a large popular vote it need not take a lot of votes to switch in order to turn that support into won seats.


If you are a respected high profile candidate for another party, bringing your supporters with you can make the difference between almost getting elected, and being so.

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15.08, 15.09  "The worst result at the Ballot Box... For the Tories  For 😎"One Hundred Years"😎....... You lot are out of the game😎For at least the next Ten. PMSL. End of the Tories me old china.Best you go and fill up the fuel tank on your JAG before motoring gets too expensive.

Gullz you should  PRAY the tories are not darn the tube

there would be nothing for you to post about ! haw haw haw

Thatcher was elected several times; it was her own party who ditched her. We won't know where they're going until they choose their next leader.

It's similar to what's happening in America. The Republicans have been taken over by a far right cult called maga.

The Tories need to decide whether they want to go down the same route, or stay sane and rebuild sensible right wing politics.

The leadership contest will tell us what they've decided.

"Best you go and fill up the fuel tank on your JAG before motoring gets too expensive."

So who will be putting up the prices?

I'm sure gulliver would love it if Reeves raised fuel taxes in UK by say 20p a litre as it wouldn't cost him a penny in Spain or wherever he resides overseas now.

Think he said he resides in Malta these days newmodarmy if you believe him.  A litre of petrol will probably be enough to get around most of the island.  Maybe he has spent too much time on strait street and it has addled his brain.  By some of his remarks and answers he still seems to think Boris is in charge as he keeps mentioning him even though he is not even an MP these days.

It seems gully wants the Tories to disappear completely - leading to a one-party state? I think we have seen where that leads....

"Best you go and fill up the fuel tank before motoring gets too expensive."

So who will be putting up the prices?

er it is the oil firms isnt it? - going after excessive profits..... sortta all depends on  how much you think Big Govt should interfere with the markets

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