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Labour, They Just Can't Hide The Anti Semitism Bubbling Under The Surface Can They?

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ToraToraTora | 09:16 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | News
42 Answers

Despite Kneelers best efforts they are basically a terrorist fan club that hate jews.



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I can't see what your problem is.The link I put up was from an official police account.


They have the culprit and the girl and woman are ok.


Well done Abdullah.

A common man from United kindom

Well done indeed. Those three gentlemen who caught the suspect are proper heroes.

tackling a man with a knife when you dont have one -  that takes barlzz !  -I also note they didnt wait for t e police who noone is sure  will come these days

Leicester Sq stabber was Romanian innit? - they dont have muslims in Romania

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great, captain codswallop has stirred!

Despite Kneelers best efforts

wd that be er Foo-foo Kneelers foo danga foo danga? I just want to clarify things ( OK that last thing was a little bit of AB mimsy)

so here is another antisemitic phrase ( oo shock horror - mods do your duty !) There are far too many dead babies ( oops in AB speak, terrorists) in Gaza

heavens I will probably get suspended for a week !


PP,they are too many dead babies in gaza,true but 1.5 million jewish babies died in concentration camps and Israel will do everything it can to stop that happening again to its young.

A neutral observer might opine that killing babies to stop different babies being killed is perverse.

If it's your baby going to die you would not be neutral,or would you?

You seem to be struggling with 'neutral observer'.


Israel will do everything it can to stop that happening again to its young.

so it is all right to kill  lots of other babies ? righto!

If it's your baby going to die you would not be neutral,or would you?

so you are coming out on the side of the live babies in Gaza ( there must be some left)

erm confused but hey this is AB !

so at present it is

my baby is OK but I kill your baby - I must say the Gazan position is becoming clearer to me

I know some here will think this an absolutely ridiculous suggestion, but if Israeli looked to make a fair peace with their neighbours there may be no more babies killed.

Careful Sandy, that kind of talk gets you called a terrorist lover round these parts.

disgusting sandy!

how dare you sully the threads of AB with any such rubbish - I know there are at least 4 mods with fingers poised to deleted such.... scuh......awful un-natural sentiments ! so un mimsy words fail me

yes mozza  -  I will ! I do ! - disgusting commie (*)cant ! - how can any right minded mod not eraze such dangerous lies !

cant not can't

sandyRoe; //I know some here will think this an absolutely ridiculous suggestion, but if Israeli looked to make a fair peace with their neighbours there may be no more babies killed.//

and if the proscribed & doomed terrorist organisation Hamas consisting of murderers, rapists, abductors of innocent hostages had surrendered months ago, not a single person, baby or otherwise, needed to have lost their lives.


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