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Labour, They Just Can't Hide The Anti Semitism Bubbling Under The Surface Can They?

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ToraToraTora | 09:16 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | News
42 Answers

Despite Kneelers best efforts they are basically a terrorist fan club that hate jews.



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"The link between the daily inhumanity being meted out to Palestinians and rising Islamophobia in the UK, are not unconnected"


I think he needs to justify that claim.

Well, at least things are getting back to normal.

They also can't hide their dislike of freedom of speech and have decided to axe the ‘Higher Education freedom of speech bill’ that was introduced by the previous Conservative government to protect free speech on campus. No doubt allowing and encouraging more cancellations and de-platforming at our universities.

This crackdown on free speech is frankly terrifying. The UK is fast descending into authoritarianism under Keir Jong-un’s leadership.

What a shower! 

I read that, Khandro. Appalling news.

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"Keir Jong-un’s " - now I like that!

Add to that the back door blashphemy laws Sir Kier is considering and very soon the UK could be lumped with the likes of China and NK. 

Really not good, and he cant see why there is unrest?


We don't need people jumping to conclusions or deliberately spreading fake news to further their own political agenda.

That was directed at 13:50.

What the hell are you talking about?


He's jumping to conclusions.

Khandro, what does that have to do with the OP?


Sorry dave.  Cross posted.

DDIL // Khandro, what does that have to do with the OP?//

It relates, as does the links by others, to the Leicester Square stabbings, which Sandy at 14:11 implied was false news.

We'll be told in time the motive for the Leicester Square stabbings.

I'm sure we all remember the recent stabbing outrage in Southport.  Some used that to promote their anti-Islamic agenda.

Do we want to go down that road again?  Better we wait and see.

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