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Whats Working Class

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webbo3 | 16:27 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | News
27 Answers

Keir is struggling with this




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Those who don't have the foreman's job, at last.

In June this year he defined the working class as people who have no savings.  

Ask him something easier first, for crying out loud.


Ask him what a woman is first.

That would be pushing it, OG.  

Rachel Reeves' definition is "working people are those people who go out and work and earn their money through hard work."


Her salary is £164,000. Does she not go out and work and earn her money through hard work?


Her definition is daft.

So, he can't define 'working class'!

Holidays and education.  So everyone then.

Working class like so much in the modern world is a flexible state of mind and being.

Like Conservative compassion.

Or Labour socialism ....

Not £164,000's worth. No one is worth that.

You're right, OG, that's why I donate anything over £150,000 PA

to the Home For The Bewildered In Denial.

A worthy cause and much needed in these troubled times.

Careful. If you're getting £150,000 pa then your employer may be retiring there soon !

Paid on results, OG, like Tora and YMB. 🤣

Only five classes in the UK nowadays.One-the working classes(most of whom dont have a proper job) who have been out demonstrating/rioting on the streets against mass uncontrolled immigration.Two-the lower middle classes who escaped from the working class and work for a living.Three and four-the middle middle and the upper middle classes(the likes of Cressida and the JSO mob)those who go out waving a Hamas flag,even though if they were ever to go to the middle-east they would be thrown off a tall building.Then there is the upper classes,royalty etc.

I thought it was people who drop their aitches, smoke while walking and can't hold a knife and fork properly. 

That's what I was taught Prudie.  I remember once telling a friend off for smoking whilst walking so she got in my car and continued smoking.  Arghhh!  🤬

Believe it or not some people really are worth £164,000 - and more.  I have my doubts that it applies to Rachel Reeves though.

John Major said Britain was a CLASSLESS Society 😂😂

There's too much said about class differences in the UK, it's just a continuum & in the USA (for example) it's defined by how wealthy you are - money pure & simple.

What a stuttering buffoon. 

'I thought it was people who drop their aitches, smoke while walking and can't hold a knife and fork properly. .

I think that applies more to common folk, not working class.

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