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Desperate Donald?

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douglas9401 | 16:46 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | News
29 Answers

Maybe he's confusing it with his inauguration crowd.



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Yeah, they've copied that person in a red shirt all over the place !

Is he related to Desperate Dan?

That's clearly a fake picture and not a very good one. Come on if you are going to do that make it believeable. I can see obvious flat spots in the algorithm.

You obviously haven't read the whole link, TTT. Or maybe you have but think others won't?

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Aye, because Getty, PBS, NBC and all mainstreamers are in it together.

From the link.

Prof Hany Farid, a specialist in image analysis at UC Berkeley, has examined the photograph using software designed to detect AI-generated images and says “we found no evidence that this image is AI-generated or digitally altered”.

His followers will believe anything he says 

He doesn't help himself...

πŸ˜‰ Reel em in! 🎣

I think they've reeled you in, TTT.

TORATORATORA, how do you explain away the video evidence?

πŸ”«πŸŸπŸ πŸ‘Barrel

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Still putting the 'anal' in analysis, Tora?

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Obviously it was just his wee joke, TCL, as it always is when he's caught.


A disinformation campaign? He must be desperate ... 

Trump is a liar, and has long believed that the bigger the lie, and the louder and more often you repeat it, the more idiots will believe it. Folks believe what they want to be true, and this can be seen daily on AB.

No more replies from TORATORATORA?

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