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Why Are They Paying Off The Priest?

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ToraToraTora | 19:45 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | News
24 Answers

Surely that's grounds for summary dismissal? madness.



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//ymb obviously believes the Far Right should be allowed to ravage the country trying to destroy democracy and are unfairly stopped from doing so by the police.//

No he doesnt and if you had bothered to read my many posts over the many years you would know this is exactly the sort of Policing I approve of.  The issue is applying it across the board, ie dont have 2-tiers.

// What this has to do with the paedophile priest is somewhat difficult to comprehend. //

Try reading the whole post and not just the bit you want to see then:

"The fault lies with plod for not investigating"

Thats pretty clear to most people.  Perhaps though the Far left like you cant?


I think we have forgotten our Lady Bird Book of English Law

Criminal has to beyond reasonable  doubt - and was a non  starter in this case. 

civil is on the balance of probs

He has never been charged with any criminal offences and says he has never presented any safeguarding risk to anyone.

safeguarding is now an industry in itself - sozza safeguarding regulation is  now a profit able industry

and if the Barring service wont do anything then there is virtually no evidence. it is on balance of probs. If you are 'barred' you cant even get a job in a cafe ( cleaning table involved kids)

Surely that's grounds for summary dismissal? yes if anything were proven which it clearly wasnt.

If the canon didnt go, the arch b of C yup him, Rowan Atkinson, was considering dissolving the diocese ! Blimey and so no one wd be canon.


Surely that's grounds for summary dismissal? Ay hev been subject to unproven complaints - and if your accuser really plays his cards right, you end up being asked to prove you didnt do something you er didnt do. ( can be very difficult). ( incredz wh I managed to do)




I love this - mindless 'logic' from TTT counteredd by more midless logic from YMF

I see that sweet love easily turns to the most deadly hate.

Richard II- er shakey

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