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Two-Tier Britain

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Khandro | 08:15 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | News
45 Answers

A 61 year old Englishman is sentenced to 18 months in prison for saying "who the f is Allah?"

While in the same country, "From the River to the sea" (meaning the total destruction of the Jews) was projected onto Big Ben and nobody was prosecuted.***-is-allah/



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"Rather than acknowledging the truth that white violence is a fringe reaction to much more widespread concerns, Starmer and the political and media establishment have entirely predictably refused to look at the root causes and sought to lump everyone in the same bucket and smear them as ‘far right’. The PM is plainly cynically using the opportunity to crack down on political opponents, blaming the trouble on agitators, social media or even mainstream political figures, as well as using the opportunity to bring in Islamic blasphemy laws. In contrast, Islamic violence that preceded the recent disturbances in Manchester and the Roma rioting in Harehills is almost entirely ignored."

""IT WAS both predictable and predicted, if a long time coming. That hideous sectarian violence that has erupted as a response to mass immigration, violence associated with asylum seekers and foreign born nationals, fear of rapidly changing demographics and years of Islamist outrages has finally provoked a response: the spectral ‘far-right’, for so long a ghostly phantasm that existed only in metropolitan liberal nightmares has assumed solid form. Depressingly, racist and sectarian white identity politics is mirroring the excesses of Islamism and Black Lives Matter widely perceived to be responded to with kid gloves, even deference by the police.""

Did he get an answer to his question in all the kerfuffle?

perhaps the government is simply afraid of muslims and islam as a whole, let alone people of african descent, the abuse scandal, that teacher, hate preachers, the majority who are doing all the stabbings in london, plus i think the country is over populated and they cannot contain the problem anymore, yet thousands are still arriving, fire is burning and they pour on more petrol...

//A 61 year old Englishman is sentenced to 18 months in prison for saying "who the f is Allah?"//

Chubby Brown used to sing that song in packed theatres and everybody just laughed. What is the world coming to? 

"🎵 And for 21 years I've been living next door to ...🎵"

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