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Train Drivers Get Bumper Payrise.

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webbo3 | 17:52 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | News
17 Answers

Labour gives in to its union pay masters again meanwhile old people wil freeze.



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Old people won't freeze. Poor pensioners will still get the benefit.

The railways crippled for 2 years obviously has massive economic damage on our economy. And have cause huge inconvenice to the public.

What do they have in common?



For a governemnt that talks about getting growth they seem happy to avoid any changes to working practices to umprove effiency, and to pay more to the public sector. Pensioners on £12000 a year get their £200 fuel allowance taken off them, but train drivers  who earn 3-4 times as much get a boost worth   about £2000 pa

don't forget the £11.6bn given to foriegners for "climate change"!

Can't read it - it's behind a paywall

"Can't read it - it's behind a paywall"

As always with Torygraph articles, simply hit "escape" just as it begins to load. 

Keep it to yourself, mind. I don't think they know. 😂

//but train drivers  who earn 3-4 times as much get a boost worth about £2000 pa//

I haven't checked but I read that top earners would go from £60k to £69k. Still - think of all the tax they pay!

//Poor pensioners will still get the benefit.//

No they wont, only those that are on benefits.  Anyone who saved just a couple of bob wont get it.  Still thats what people like you want isnt it,; a population on benefits.

Yes davebro3, but that's over 3 years (so I divided by 3)- and was looking at the average driver not the top earner. Still it's not a bad increase, especially as there's no change to inefficient practices whereas non-government/nationalised staff have to go along with changes.

Unfortunately pressing esc isn't easy on mobiles & tablets ☹ 

Anyhow, dont worry I'm sure the liar Robber Reeves will claw some more back from Pensioners. (And everyone else except the rich as they have accountants to avoid it)

So Labour have caved in again- and who pays for this bumper payrise?  Yes, the taxpayers and the passengers.  Thanks for nothing, Keir.

Each side looks after its own, but you know that.

"So Labour have caved in again- and who pays for this bumper payrise?  Yes, the taxpayers and the passengers.  Thanks for nothing, Keir."

But the unions are saying it's a good deal for taxpayers and passengers.  What?

Looks like the drivers on LNER will be striking from now until November due to "industrial relations" - I'd love to know the context.


It is inevitable that others who are paid from the public purse will be queing up for some of the action, but Mr Nick Thomas-Symonds disagrees and says that's an "unfair charachterisation " - he's being naive.


I loved this bit...


"We promised we would sit down and find solutions, and people expressed scepticism about that, but actually that is precisely what we have done in Government."


Throwing inflation busting money around is easy for this Government, but it is not a "solution" - it will cause problems later.

I take back what I said about the 15% increase being spread over 3 years so 'only' around £2000pa- I assumed it was the next 3 years but I read it's being backdated to  2022 with around 5% extra for  2022, then 5%  on top of the new salary in 2023/24 and 5% on top of that in 2024/25.  And yet there's no certainty the members will accept it- they could push for a bit more and the government wouldn't want to see more strikes so would fudge an increase

Here comes inflation.

But Robber Reeves will just blame the Torys no doubt.

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