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douglas9401 | 19:09 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

From the Land Of The Free and the home of the depraved.

I'm utterly agog and at the same time impressed by the legal mob.



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What are they being charged with? Manslaughter? Murder?

Addictions eh?


...which lead to an early death.

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It seems to be mostly about drug dealing, Tilly.

Scroll down for the detail.

I did, Doug, but there was no mention of the actual charges. As you say though, drug dealing seems to be the most obvious.

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The charges against the five defendants in Perry's deathpublished at 18:27 British Summer Time

18:27 BST

Five defendants have been charged in connection to actor Matthew Perry's fatal drug overdose last year. The charges listed by the Department of Justice are as follows:

Jasveen Sangha, aka “The Ketamine Queen": One count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine, one count of maintaining a drug-involved premises, one count of possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, one count of possession with intent to distribute ketamine, and five counts of distribution of ketamine.

Dr Salvador Plasencia: One count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine, seven counts of distribution of ketamine and two counts of altering and falsifying documents or records related to the federal investigation.

Eric Fleming: Pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine and one count of distribution of ketamine resulting in death.

Fleming admitted in court documents that he distributed the ketamine that killed Perry. He admitted to obtaining the ketamine from his source, Sangha, and to distributing 50 vials of ketamine to Perry’s live-in personal assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa - half of them four days before Perry’s death.

Kenneth Iwamasa: Perry's live-in personal assistant conspired with Sangha, Fleming, and Plasencia to illegally obtain ketamine and distribute it to Perry.

He pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing death, and admitted to repeatedly injecting Perry with ketamine without medical training, including performing multiple injections on Perry on the day he died.

Dr Mark Chavez: A physician who has agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine. He admitted in his plea agreement to selling ketamine to Plasencia, including ketamine that he had diverted from his former ketamine clinic.

Was Donald Trump involved?

Naw, probably just Big Pharma.

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That's what Melania calls him, although it could be 'farmer'.

It's the accent y'know.

Well he's always wanting to plough.

^^          ^^

And scatter his seed.

that's the commonality between Donald and Boris....^

Damn savages.....etc

Not sure if your allowed to mention savages in the good old US of A 😁

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