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Any Socialists Or Hard Left Fancy On Here A Holiday In Utopia?

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youngmafbog | 10:43 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | News
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Gromit and untitled are packing their bags as we speak! I wonder if they do time shares! 😁

It's a bit of a conundrum that in other SE Asian countries where the commies won (like Vietnam) the ruling regimes are not a bit like those in NK. (But I don't know a lot about it.🙄)

Great of you like dog with fried rice.

Can't now access the Daily Mail without signing up to something. 

I'm reminded of an old joke, now brought up to date.


A new dehydrated snack food has been launched in North Korea aimed at the growing vegan population.

It's called Not Poodle.

I think Cuba would be a far better holiday destination.

Arthur Scargill regularly went there for rest and recreation.

It's said that when Scargill landed Fidel Castro sent him a message to comb on over.

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//I think Cuba would be a far better holiday destination.//

Well yes.  My parents went there many years ago and one of my daughters went about 6 years ago.  All said, despite the obvious poverty it was a clean and welcoming place.

Apperently they dont stamp your passport otherwise you ight have trouble getting into the USA (Unless you go over the Rio Grande courtesy of Harris of course).

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