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Liar Liar Pants On Fire.

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youngmafbog | 10:48 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | News
4 Answers

If this had been the "Torys" all hell would be let loose but it seems Robber Reeves is allow to make up things with impunity.

It is such an obvious and blatent lie and can be shown as such by officual figures.

So why has she a free pass by much of the MSM?



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A bit early in the day for a rant is it not?


Our economy is not in good shape. Just as it wasn't in 2010 after the financial crash.

The Mail is comparing two very bad years for this country. Labour lost the election because the economy was in tatters. And the Tories lost the last one for the same reason.

well she has to make it look bad so she has an excuse to clobber pensioners and anyone with the temerity to provide for themselves. Yep this is real Labour alright. St Blair must be loving it.

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//Our economy is not in good shape. Just as it wasn't in 2010 after the financial crash.//

We have just had a pandemic (where Labour wanted more furlough and lockdowns) together with the Ukraine issues.  We are actually doing better than most.

//The Mail is comparing two very bad years for this country. Labour lost the election because the economy was in tatters. And the Tories lost the last one for the same reason.//

No.  Robber Reeves and her cohorts are claiming it is the worst economy inherited since WWII. That is plainly not true, the Mail have taken the state of the Economy as handed over from labour in 2010 and compared vs how it was handed to labour.  You cannot get away from the fact labour handed over a much worse economy (as usual). 

//And the Tories lost the last one for the same reason.//

I dont believe they did, more like the small boaters and the continual infighting, plus not being Conservatives but TINOS.

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Liar Liar Pants On Fire.

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