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Pakistani Independence Day

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Khandro | 21:57 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | News
35 Answers

The police are closing some of London's streets this weekend so that everyone can enjoy, 'Pakistani Independence Day'. I hope you will you be celebrating. Will you?

Do they mean us?  They surely do.                                      (Derek Jameson)




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'Pakistani Independence' celebrations on the London streets are not the same as St Patrick's Day or the Chinese New Year. Go figure.   If Pakistanis want to celebrate it, they can do so on the streets of Islamabad.

The police said how they had consulted with the 'Pakistani community leaders' --- Great !

Who are these so-called community leaders? In British society community leaders are the elected M.P.s and councillors.



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Having said that ^^ I turn to the DT and see that Charles Moore (whom God preserve) concurs.


I don't recall them closing roads on the 4th July. Wonder why the discrimination ?

Re what I said earlier, I wish to retract as it is rather hypocritical of me & the August Bank Holiday West Indian Carnival is looming with numerous streets in Notting Hill being closed to residents.

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Sharon; The Notting Hill Carnival isn't celebrating Caribbean independence, it is simply celebrating Caribbean culture, a different thing altogether & fine by me. 

The Independence Days of Pakistan and India commemorate the ending of an appalling period in British history under the Raj. 

They're something that any British citizen who feels shame about what his/her ancestors did to the people of the Indian sub-continent should be proud to join in with.

I'm sure free samosas and other savoury treats will be in evidence on every corner for anyone so ashamed.

^^^ If you're looking for free grub, Douglas, just head to Southall during Bandi Chhor Divas/Diwali.  It's almost impossible to walk along the streets there without being offered some (always excellent) free food by members of the Sikh and Hindu communities.

zootalaw, apologies for my factual inaccuracy last night. Just as well as I saw the thread again, I usually don't return to them.

//They're something that any British citizen who feels shame about what his/her ancestors did to the people of the Indian sub-continent//

What? Turned them from a mishmash of warring tribes with barbaric practices (caste system, suttee) & no real infrastructure into (something approaching) civilised countries with an extensive rail network? No shame whatsoever.

//'Pakistani Independence' celebrations on the London streets are not the same as St Patrick's Day or the Chinese New Year. Go figure.   If Pakistanis want to celebrate it, they can do so on the streets of Islamabad.//


In what way do they differ, Khandro? All are celebrations that have nothing to do with the English. Can't those who want to celebrate them do it on the streets of Beijing or Dublin?


//The Notting Hill Carnival isn't celebrating Caribbean independence, it is simply celebrating Caribbean culture, a different thing altogether & fine by me. //

So are the Pakistanis allowed to celebrate their culture on our streets too?

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Mozz //All are celebrations that have nothing to do with the English. //


Feel free to lay some knowledge on me than Khandro. Speak up son.

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