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Allergy Deaths

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brainiac | 11:25 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

Another sad story about a young person dying from ingesting something they were allergic to - in this case cow's milk; in that of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse it was sesame seeds in a Pret baguette.


But what I don't understand is how do those who have an allergy to something that is so severe that it will kill them, know about it.  Surely the first time they ingested  it, it would have killed them.



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discussed elsewhere

To be fair dave, this is a different question to previous discussions. I also was wondering the same thing. But how that mother took her child to a coffee shop knowing of her deadly allergy without an EpiPen defeats me. Also to expect the barista to do a deep clean of the utensils to eradicate any trace of cow's milk is really unrealistic and unreasonable. I blame the mother.

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Where else?  That's a link to this post

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Yes, that's my point Samuraisan: how did the mother (and daughter) find out about the daughter's deadly allergy?

You must be mind reader, I was thinking the same after reading about the young girl.

link isn't working properly - TTT posted about "deadly substance" Friday PM.

Though TBF this is a different question. How DO you know you are allergic? I suppose you'd have to survive the first encounter some how but you'd not be prepped so good question.

there is an allergy learning curve - first a little reaction, then a stronger one....

Most dont progress that far.... With severe allergy I thoght it was  obvious - home cooking only

The first time you eat a food that you are allergic to there is no physical reaction, so you don't know. It sets off a sort of trigger so the next time you eat it you have a mild reaction that you might not even notice.

Subsequent ingestions result in more severe reactions that make sure you know. Eventually it can kill

it's quite common (in fact it's happened to me) that a second bee sting is much more troublesome than a first one. I imagine other allergies can work the same way.

It could also be that a person is allergic to more than one thing and the more serious allegies are then detected at allegy clinics.

yes, typically you go to a clinic because you're getting allergic reactions to something but you don't know what it is.

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