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Man Of The People, Salt Of The Earth

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douglas9401 | 14:26 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | News
58 Answers

Our Nige, what a trouper. No merely representing his constituency for him, not enough hours in the day, etc.



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we'd all earn it if we could, nothing to see here.

Good for him.

I doubt very much that he will find time to hold surgeries to hear first-hand the concerns of local people.

I doubt a short spell on the box takes much time, and it let's him continue to make his case, so likely it's well worth while.


Of course no one is really worth that much, but while society allows it, all sorts will take it.

Good for him. 

And actually honest too, unlike Starmer, Rayner, et al.

I doubt if his constituents expect him to be at their beck and call. Did they have much to do with their previous MP?

If GB news wants to pay me, I’d be happy to spout racist xenophobic diatribes for £1.2 million a year.

Can you give a specific example of a racist, xenophobic diatribe from Nigel Farage? I'm all ears and eyes...

Honest ?

Don't make me laugh.


And don't forget his previous career as a Merchant Banker when the Banks brought the country to its knees and Joe Public had to bail them out to the tune of millions.

Giles Watling (former MP for Clacton), even held mobile surgeries to meet the people.

And actually honest too, unlike Starmer, Rayner, et al.

like £360m a week to the NHS - oops we should not have said that

that kind of transparent honesty - righto!

I could talk about being very concerned at people talking in a foreign language on a bus, or Romanians living next door to me, or tell everyone that the person who murdered the three little girls in Southport was an illegal immigrant (I know this because Andrew Tate said so).

"I could talk about being very concerned at people talking in a foreign language on a bus,..."

So could I. It concerns me greatly. There are places I have to travel to where not only is English hardly ever heard on a bus, it's scarcely heard in other places as well.

It interests me to learn of your disdain for Mr Farage, often describing him (along with many other people) as an idiot. Yet here we have a man who has managed, by his own endeavours, to persuade various people to pay him in excess of £1m a year. Income tax and NI on £1m is £469k and I would hope Mr Farage is astute enough to employ somebody to reduce that amount for him. But if only the entire country was full of such idiots.


\\If GB news wants to pay me, I’d be happy to spout racist xenophobic diatribes for £1.2 million a year.//

Any examples of this please.?

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That's settled then top man, good egg, friend of the greatest living democrat and rescuer of injured pigeons.

3.05pm - he was a metal trader.


4.46pm - pretty much all of you posts demonstrate you're not the wit you like to think you are. 



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Thank you for taking such an interest. x

Many people seem to think that because someone is wealthy, or that someone is paying the person a lot of money – then that person must be intelligent; in my experience the opposite is more often the case.


Qualifications are also no guarantee of intelligence (not that Farage has any to speak of), I’ve know many degree level educated people who have sheet for brains.


But you can judge a person’s intelligence by their actions and words.

Farage recently implied that the person who murdered the three little girls in Southport was an illegal immigrant; and in his defence said that Andrew Tate had said so.


To imply that the person who murdered the three little girls was an illegal immigrant without knowing it to be true, demonstrates a staggering level of idiocy – but then to claim he implied it because Andrew Tate said so, is just such nonsense that it is hard to believe even an idiot such as Farage would say such a thing.


It is a complete mystery to me why so many cannot see Farage for what he is (an idiot), and think he speak words of wisdom.

I wonder if Coutts will ask him if he will please bank with them again? 🤣

the very fact that he backs the American felon says just what a numpty he can be.

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