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Yvette Cooper - Extreme Misogyny

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Deskdiary | 09:49 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | News
8 Answers

"The Home Office says it will look at the rise of both Islamit and far-right extremism in the UK, as well as wider ideological trends, including extreme misogyny..." 

Some (a lot) of muslim men treat women as little more than a possession and second class citizens - this is extreme misogyny, so I wonder whether there'll start with them?




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DD: "Some (a lot) of muslim men treat women as little more than a possession and second class citizens - this is extreme misogyny, so I wonder whether there'll start with them?" - Don't be silly, lefties love Islam.

I suspect it is in preparation for the extreme incel  movement coming from the US.

They'll pay some of their cronies huge sums over several years to produce a report then file it away somewhere in Whitehall.

DD in Islam a woman has to belong to someone.

What is the dividing line betweem misogyny and extreme misogyny ? Is it when it's committed by the extreme right ? I need to know when I'm getting too extreme and crossing the acceptable line.

It will be interesting to see how they play this one, not only on the definition but also on whether they also include Misandry (which they must to make it credible) and also the thorny question on the religion that cannot be critisied.

Bet they cock it up.

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