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M S P Stripped Of Whip For Telling The Truth.......

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ToraToraTora | 10:02 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | News
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No doubt from the same people who do not know what a lie is.....



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I agree with him

Me too Webbo.Looks like another civil war erupting in the SNPs ranks.For about the millionth time.Nationalists,eh?

I wonder what TTT would make of such a statement as ‘the Nazis did not commit genocide during the Second World War – if they wanted to, they could have killed many more.’

Would TTT believe the above statement to be the truth?

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The Nazis were attempting genocide in WW2 no question. Israel are not doing that.

I've been critical of Israel's actions plenty of times over the last ten months, but what is happening in Gaza isn't a genocide. A flagrant disregard of human life? Absolutely. War crimes? Quite possibly. But a genocide? No.

Since October 7, over 40,000 have been killed in Gaza (over 70% women and children) – if not attempting genocide, what are they attempting?

"...if not attempting genocide, what are they attempting?"


Is that a serious question? Really?

They're attempting to get their citizens back and at the same time wipe out at least one terrorist threat in their locale.

Things are somewhat different there compared to here.

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Every time hymie posts I wonder what's going on in his noggin. Hymie, Israel is defending itself against hamas et al. They are the ones setting thmeselves up in Schools and hospitals. Every thing Israel has done since 7th Oct is the result of the Hamas baby beheaders. Yes they are clumsy at times and they could take more care but they are not setting out to systematically destroy a particular group as the nazis were in WW2. It's not genocide and it's insulting to the holocaust victims to suggest there is any comparison.

The UN definition of "genocide" is this:

 "...acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group".

The Israelis have vowed to destroy Hamas. Hamas is an Islamist militant group that spun off from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is committed to wiping Isreal from the map. Governments, including the United States and European Union, have designated Hamas a terrorist organization over its attacks against Israel, which have included suicide bombings and rocket attacks.

Quite how that puts them into the UN definition of a group that could be victims of genocide is hard to fathom. Taken at its very highest, it is a point for discussion (though I would argue that no discussion is required). At worst it is a matter of opinion, not fact.

So here we have an elected representative on behalf of a major UK political party, expressing an opinion and for his troubles, has lost the party whip.

the SNP Chief Whip said: "To flippantly dismiss the death of more than 40,000 Palestinians is completely unacceptable.

But Mr Mason did not dismiss those deaths, flippanly or otherwise. He simply queried the rather emotive language that others have used to describe Israel's actions. Laughingly, the SNP Chief Whip went on to say:

"There can be no room in the SNP for this kind of intolerance."

There is no intolerance from Mr Mason, only from those who will not tolerate his opinion.

As Mr Mason points out, a far more appropriate candidate to have the accusation of "genocide" levelled against them is Hamas. They have vowed to see Israel wiped from the face of the Earth. 

"Is that a serious question? Really?"

It probably is.

Looks like we are witnessing the formation of another group of stupid and/or unitelligent people.

Understanding the composition of the SNP, a ragbag of Casserole and inadequates with their own careers front and centre in their minds, promoted from local councils to high-ish office where they come up against the reality that they're out of their depth is key to situations like these.

Big fish in a small pond, sucking in all of the oxygen and sustenance leaving much less than when they first arrived.

"There can be no room in the SNP for this kind of intolerance"


So... those responsible for striping him of the Whip are going to resign because of their intolerance of someone holding a different view to them ? Presumably they now must.

Utterly bizarre.  And the first time I find myself in complete agreement with a SNP MP.

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