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They Just Can't Help It Can They....part N

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ToraToraTora | 09:14 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | News
6 Answers

So the unions are getting their powers back......what next, show of hands? all out brothers! IMF here we come!

Can the country take 5 years of this?



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No the Country will be bust by the end, but that happens at the end of every labour Government, even Tory Lite Labour of the Brown/Blair years.  And this lot are at least ten times worse than them.

Batten down the hatches and hang on for a rocky ride.

I think my favourite part of this new government is the AB right challenging their jackboots over everything.

"Shaking in their jackboots"

Damn autocorrect.

I assume you think everything Labour are doing is correct and that the economy et al will be swinging and all rosy in 5 years time then Moz?

And why refer to jackboots, It's Starmer and you far left people that weart them.

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jackboots, you mean KJU's new Stasi?

Oh bless your heart, you think I'm far left? I'm as far left as you are far right me ol' mucker.

For the record, I didn't say any of what you wrote there, just taking the *** out of you doomsayers. Keep on with the entertainment please.

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They Just Can't Help It Can They....part N

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