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How To Get A Pay Rise

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Khandro | 17:51 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | News
13 Answers

That's the way to do it !



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Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!

Dangerous ground ahead.

Well, thank heavens the Tory party never took any shady payments or have expensive contracts to their mates down the club.


Not saying two wrongs make a right, but it's nothing new.

Link doesn't work.

Try it again Gromit, seems fine.

Nop[e, link is knackered.

works for me: Telegraph

//Cabinet ministers accepted hundreds of thousands in union donations before striking pay deals

Labour’s top team have received £480,000 from their ‘paymasters’ since 2019//

Ah, its about Labour sleeze.

Article in todays newspaper regarding members of the cabinet, who voted to do away with pensioners winter fuel allowance, are claiming heating allowance to warm their second homes. Glad that as a pensioner I was able to help out the needy.

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Well done gramps! It's quite a turn around; Robin Hood in reverse. Labour robs the poor to feed the rich. 

With all the prisons being very busy whats the betting they will want a pay rise and the the fire brigade union, keir will cave in.

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Meanwhile it appears the the unions paid one & a half grand for Lisa Nandy to stay in a hotel just 22 miles from her home!


// members of the cabinet, who voted to do away with pensioners winter fuel allowance //

The Chancellor decided this policy. Don't think Labour MPs were consulted or voted on it.

Not read the article but it is not really a secret that Trade Unions sponsor Labour MPs. They hve been doing it for a hundred years.

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How To Get A Pay Rise

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