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Who The F*** Is Alan?

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sandyRoe | 15:54 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | News
12 Answers

Shouting racist taunts despite looking as though he has a touch of the tar brush about him.

And his excuse that he was shouting about 'Alan' rather than 'Allah' seems to be a bit more than threadbare.



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Mr. Whitman ?
16:49 Mon 19th Aug 2024

" a touch of the tar brush about him."


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Or else heavily sun tanned.

-- answer removed --

The one thing that has been annoying me for many years is allowing "Counter" protesters. It should be one protest one week the other another week this pitching two sides together will only ever end one way and with plod stuck in the middle.


Sandy, you are aware many Black people dislike the Slims?  There have been a fair few instances of filmed altercations on public transport in Londonistan.

TBF though I cannot see what the fuss is about. We hear "who the eff is xxxxx" - every day, is it now law that we must know every name for every deity?

If we read the article he says he is mixed race (!) and also had a string of convictions so is clearly no saint.

a bit like a Roman swearing that the Pope is an anti-Christ, but hey this is the modern world !

Bottom line is this one is a political conviction, his previous poor record has no bearing.

But, I look forward to jail for all those chanting Allu Akbar and death to the infedel in the future.  And all those chanting "From the river to the Sea" that implies mass murder.


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What's a Slim?

If the police had asked this chap what Alan he was shouting about, what could he have said?

There's Alan Sugar, Alan Partridge, Alan Ladd(,film actor from long ago) and Alan a Dale, a partner in crime of Robin Hoodm

//What's a Slim?/

Take an educated guess.

As for Alan perhaps he was referring to Kevin bloody Wilson?

Mr. Whitman ?

similar to the rabs.

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Who The F*** Is Alan?

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