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A copper band round the post should do the trick.,containers%20from%20slugs%20and%20snails.       

Get Pat to put some blue slug pellets in there.  Soon be gone.

Adderstone postal services remain sluggish.

It just needs a stamp on it🐌.

You've been slimed, who gonna call


This problem certainly needs to be addressed..

Postman Pat will be happy, he'll have l'escargot to deliver now!

Why don't they just scatter slug/snail poison nearby. It works quite well.

I now see it has been suggested.


Copper doesn't work that well. They may not like it but the incentive of a delicious envelope and stamp is sufficient to incentivise them.

The food in here used to be first class but now it's second rate.

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Snail Mail Eaten By....snails....!

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