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They Try To Look Civilised But The Facade Eventually Falls.....

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ToraToraTora | 11:28 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
4 Answers

They still fool the trobiscites of course.



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Difficult to know on this one.  The big problem is so many people seem to think they can go to other countries and do whatever they like.  They dont seem to get is that many countries do have rules and unlike the UK are willing to enforce them.

So I guess it all hinges on did he have an illegal substance or was it because he is gay?

I wonder if he will be protesting with a Paletinian flag wrapped round him at the weekend?

It's ok, the rainbow folk for Qatar will be out in support soon.

Why any gay person would risk their freedom by visiting such countries is totally beyond me.

On the charges bought it would appear Gay and a druggie.

Not good in the ME.

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They Try To Look Civilised But The Facade Eventually Falls.....

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