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That's The Way The Money Goes, Pop Goes The W...inter Fuel Allowance.

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Khandro | 11:48 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
63 Answers

'British taxpayers are funding arts, infrastructure and tech projects in regions wealthier than parts of the UK, a damning new study has revealed.

As part of the Government's overseas aid budget, diverted through universities and 'Quangos', Britons are shelling out for projects like an all-female traditional opera in Shanghai, a rural crafts exhibition in Shenzhen in southern China, and a temporary cycle lane in Mexico City.',



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//Did the Tories not give Foreign Aid or has it just started since Labour got in?//


Yes, they did - and no it hasn't.  I saw nothing in the pre-election promises to indicate that this is an area that Labour will address so whether or not this government does something about it remains to be seen. 

Canary 12.13 "What was it the Brexiteers used to say to the remoaners, "You lost,suck it up"......What was it that The leader of the AB opposition party said to me  on 5th july? ..."You won now belt up" Now it's a case of "You lost now belt up"

Naomi,according to someone on here called Tora Tora Tora Labour started it.

I can't see anything in that report to suggest that, dukedelorca.  I'd take an educated guess and say that any study will have taken rather more than six weeks to prepare.

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//Did the Tories not give Foreign Aid or has it just started since Labour got in?//

Yes they did, but Lammy is increasing it !

Do they mean us ? They surely do.

13.56 Arksided "I thought they were still busy mopping up the Tory mess we're all in" .Labour are doing a fine job so far but it will take a lot longer to sort the Tory mess out that Labour inherited than just six weeks .

Why are we funding arts in foreign nations anyway ?


China seems to pick up various benefits by declaring itself a developing nation, from what I've heard.

I am so grateful we are giving generously to the nation that created Covid and so many pandemics before it and subsequently destroyed evidence and lied to the world, not to mention cosying up to Mad Vlad.

It's good to be a nation of givers who can find ample funds during these hard times for the causes that really matter. 

China is a developing nation; it's developing new space rockets, fighter planes, atomic bombs etc.

curly, thanks. I'd forgotten about new diseases.

That were my point Gulliver, Tory followers now making out that it's Labour that introduced all the above in the OP.

When they know it were their favoured choice of government that introduced them... were they moaning about it then...

//were they moaning about it then//


Had they known they might have moaned - I know I would.  This, however, is a newly released study.

dukedelorca: "Naomi,according to someone on here called Tora Tora Tora Labour started it." - if you are going to make statements like that then you'd better have evidence. I don't know when it started but both parties are culpable. Charity begins at home we should stop all foriegn aid now. I have said that under the tories too.

Do Dukedelorca and gulliver know each other? I'm just asking for a friend who notices odd spacing around full stops and commas

What was it the Brexiteers used to say to the Remoaners, "You lost, suck it up", or words to that effect.

yes it was

and even used by  the Brexit mods who - if you didnt say "yes miss thank you  miss" wd delete whatever it was you DID  say !

that is the way to do it !

shakes head in disbelief - what a shambles!

//Did the Tories not give Foreign Aid or has it just started since Labour got in?/

No, but the TINO's didnt lie about a 20Bn hole and rob pensioners of their heat.

And I think you will find many on the right commented on this when the TINO's were in power.  I know I certainly did.


newmodarmy, there are a couple of posters that are very similar.

Think you should read Tora Tora Tora's remarks again,Naomi mainly the bit "Yep Labour's in"

Dukedelorca, If you have a bone to pick with someone, pick it, but leave me out of it.

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