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Need A Council House, Back Of The Queue For You

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webbo3 | 18:43 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
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It's always been the same with the lefties, they hate their own people. They especially love the slims.

Not just the Slims now TTT, anyone on a dinghy is a potential voter so they will hand them the lot.

Of course there might be more council houses if people hadnt bought them and sold them for a profit and avoided CGT.

"...a major point of Thatcherism..."

Wiki 😂

There would be more council housing if Thatcher hadn't sold them off and not replaced them, as alluded to by douglas.

Brits will not all go to the back of the queue behind immigrants. Everyone goes to the back when they join. 

I can't read the article behind the paywall. I'm basing this reply on the headline and your comment. 

Good Morning,

Social housing is given on a points basis.

I can't read your link as I refuse to pay for it.

Can't go around replacing public property with more, using public money, after selling it off as a discount bribe to voters. Do you think government has a money orchard, or something ?

Oh dear a big whoosh moment from a few above.

Hint: GOAS.


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