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E U S S R Still In Hissy Fit Mode.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:05 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
51 Answers

I assume we will be reciprocating these charges. Though as Robber Reeves always favours foriegners she'll probably not mirror this.



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You found this post challenging gromit? Right oh!

All who voted for Brexit voted for this – now they appear to be complaining about what they voted for – how stupid can Brexiteers be?

How do you it is people who voted for Brexit that are complaining, Hymie?  Many people didn't, maybe they are the ones that are complaining.

I expected the visa fee, I'm just surprised it wasn't implemented sooner.

I wont be paying anything. It's free for over 70's

TTT for one.

7 Euros for 3 years - 2.33 Euros per year, or at today's exchange rate £1.99 per year, so less than the price of an ice cream.


Funnily enough I won't be losing much sleep over this.

Wait for the number denied boarding (as of summer next year) – believing that they can travel to Europe without any visa/restrictions, as they have done all of their life – hopefully they will all be Brexit voters/supporters.

Even if over 70, you still have to apply.

There's loads of other countries having to do the same as the UK so there's no need to take it personally.

Nobody voted for unreasonable hurdles for those from a trusted nation to jump. That is purely down to those making the demand. How stupid can those who claim otherwise to try to bolster their erroneous views, be?

There's always Margate or Skeggy for those on a tight budget. 😂

Just red tape - it will cost more to administer than it brings in, typical Brussels. EU gets more like Gormenghast every day.

still glad we are out btw

Cant see a problem with it, many other countries do it and its hardly going to break the Bank.

Hope Pixie adopts similar for the UK, including boat people.

Rachel Johnson (Boris’s sister) has said that of the Johnson family, all think that Brexit is either a sheet idea, or a really sheet idea – you decide on which divide Boris (one of the main architects of Brexit) is.

^so what?

What is a "sheet" idea?

If I was Boris Johnson, I would be laughing my testicles off at those stupid enough to believe a word I said – the same goes for that idiot, Farage.

If Farage is an idiot what exactly does that make you?

Not too much upstairs is there?

So the person who sold you Brexit, thinks it a sheet idea – why in the world would anyone but TTT & NJ think otherwise.

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