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Christopher Hitchens Proven Right By Non-Other Than Sir Keir Starmer

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Khandro | 10:13 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | News
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He may be gone, but he's not forgotten is he? 




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Those gates are creaking open.....

Ironically CH (for an atheist) could be quiet prophetic at times...

No irony really, nailedit.  Like some other atheists I could mention, he knew more about religion than the religious.

Yep bang on, nice Slim love in with PM and the Londonistan mayor at the end.

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It was extremely prescient 15 years ago. At that time though I knew of the history of the centuries-long attempts by Islam to destroy Christianity and overrun Europe (& they damn well nearly did!), but I didn't comprehend that it was happening again on such a scale - and 'useful fools' like Starmer still don't.

//It was extremely prescient 15 years ago//

Not for a well-informed atheist, khandro.  Look back at some of the discussions here from 15 years ago.

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^^ Are you saying you undertood the threat posed by Islam in 2009 ? 

I'm not saying you didn't, but if you did you were in a small minority, as were the people in the room to whom he was speaking.

//'useful fools' //

More like useful tool in S2TK's case.  He father was unfortunately too good at his job!

//Are you saying you undertood the threat posed by Islam in 2009 ? //

Wel I would say yes to that, for me anyway(and I know others).  But we were called racists, phobes knuckle draggers and many other things - on this very pages if we so dared raise the issue.

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^That's clumsily written  -  I mean the people in the room were at that time unaware as were the majority

I don't remember how much I understood about it then - but I do remember over the years arguing your support of it, Khandro.

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The poor guy who had to bear the brunt of our ire was keyplus I remember. But it wasn't really about a reset of Europe & the West. Things as recent as Douglas Murray's The Strange Death of Europe,  put the to the fore


I neven remember being accused of asking for Mosques to be burnt down, I had done nothing of the sort but it didnt stop the Left from piling in even when others continually pointed out I hadnt said it!

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When the terrorist attacks get really under way such as   the Westminster Bridge attack in 2017 and Manchester arena etc. we got more certain of what was happening.

Khandro, //The poor guy who had to bear the brunt of our ire was keyplus I remember.//


He was no 'poor guy'.  He told you exactly what the intention was ... he said Islam will dominate and that they are coming here to 'show us the way'.  You should have listened to him.

//The poor guy who had to bear the brunt of our ire was keyplus I remember.//

He was no "poor guy". He was obnoxious. He advocated the stoning to death of gays and having sex with girls as long as they had started menstrating even if they were as young as 10 or 11.

Nailedit, he actually said he would give his 9 year old daughter in marriage to an older man.

I remember that naomi.

Apologists for Islam just dont understand the horror of it.

Ive seen vids of pro palastine protests and people wrapped in gay pride flags...the irony!

We had some superb discussions here in those days.  It's a shame so many of the brains from that era are no more.

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