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It's what happens when you put a lunatic (E. Miliband) in charge of the asylum (Energy Security and "Net Zero").

Even his deparment is a contradiction in terms.

The previous Conservative government imposed two tax hikes on UK oil and gas profits - raising them to 65% and then 75% in response to soaring energy prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Think the pips are doing a lot of Squeaking on Ab since Labour had such a  magnificent win with such a huge majority at the GE..

More likley the pips of the poor, but labour dont care as it only bothers about its ideologies.

I and many on here are rich enough to weather the storm though so I have no idea what Gulliver is on.  Be aware your mums attic may be a bit cold this winter not she cant turn the heat on for you.

Millipede, well what can we say?

Burger anyone?

^And so many will be having their chips with it.

//The previous Conservative government imposed two tax hikes on UK oil and gas profits - raising them to 65% and then 75% in response to soaring energy prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.//

Yes, we can all read.  But of course the reason for that is totally different and cash raised was used to soften the blow (like fuel duty lowered).  Raising it even higher to fund an idealogy at the same time as removing tax incentives for investment will stifle the business, they will simple move elsewhere as there is plenty of oil/gas in the World and they really dont care where they operate as they are International.

11.33 ymb ...Always remember what your hero Thatcher said before posting insults. 😎"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is meant to be wounding, because it means they have  not a single political argument left😎What she meant was engage brain before operating mouth😎


Cornwall Insight has announced its final forecast for the October - December Q4 2024 Default Tariff Cap (price cap) following the closure of the observation window1 on 16 August.

For a typical dual fuel household2 we predict the October price cap to be £1,714 per annum. This is a rise of 9% from the current price cap which was set at £1,568 per year for a typical consumer. Ofgem will announce the October cap on Friday 23 August. //

The energy companies are planning on grabbing excess profits in the coming months for doing absolutely nothing different. Zilch. Most of the companies are foreign owned thanks to Mrs Thatcher, and the money to shareholders will go to investors in France and Germany not here.   
I am not a supporter of windfall taxes, but I dislike profiteering event more. Sadly renationalising them is not really possible so the next best thing is to discourage them from profiteering by taxing excessive profits.

It's OFCOM that set the limit and how would nationalising anything help as enerygy is proces on International rates.  The only was it can be lowered os subsidies which the Tory's did using windfall taxes but they are now being removed by Robber Reeves.

Gromit, I think toy need to research the energy market. Its not the companies supplying us that makes excess profits- it's the producers who sell it to our suppliers

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