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Man Gets $10K For Not Being Allowed In Women Only Club....

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ToraToraTora | 14:29 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | News
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This makes me quite angry - my daughter is at University and she was one of a few that objected to a faux woman using the women's changing room at the Uni did not go well for my daughter and her co-objectors and is ongoing. Suffice to say the University officials do not agree and it has, and is, causing one or two problems...

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20:25 I had you down as a bit above average intelligence gromit, he is a bloke, Y chomosome. You know that too but because you have are trendy lefty you go along with the neo fascists. The sooner people like you stop enabling this row locks the better. HE, is a bloke, end of.

I'm getting radicalised on Twitter over this nonsence. Enraged is an understatement.  I think my son will try to remove the app from my phone 😁

Honestly, some of the tweets these men make are truly sick. I do believe women are at risk and their rights are being diminished.

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rocky, I don't do twitfacetok or any of that cesspittery, I advise as many as I can to not do it either.

I wouldn't know the extent of this problem if I didn't go on there, though. 

However, I think I have to lay off it for a bit, for my own sanity.


I feel awful thinking/saying this...but why is it whenever one of these cases makes the news...the complainant is so damn masculine looking? And not handsome masculine? 

I've seen plenty of trans people who would easily pass as looks, dress etc. But I'd feel threatened by this individual and anyone else looking as he/she does. This is the emotional reaction that 99% of women will feel when faced with them...we don't feel safe.

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well it makes a better news story if it's an 18st docker in drag!

Lol! It certainly gets attention. 🙄

Hmm...while googling drag queens(fun),I learned that there are also female drag Queens. Learn something new everyday. 

I agree, Pasta. The most militant ones look like serial killers to me.

And what's with the bows in the hair that they keep wearing. They're not 4.

^^^Could it be because that is his interpretation of what a woman is/does? He can only ever interpret what a woman is because as a man he will never know what its like to be a woman, and no amount of paperwork, surgery or general spin will ever change this fact.

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11:23 you mean they dress up as blokes?

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