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Why Do Farage’s Henchmen Attack The Police?

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Gromit | 20:22 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | News
37 Answers

// Sheffield crown court heard that Luke and Paul Sissons were involved in several violent incidents at the Holiday Inn Express, in Manvers, on 4 August, including confrontations with riot police and an attack on a police dog van.

Paul Sissons, 37, was filmed over a period of nearly four hours. He was caught on camera shouting at police and chanting “Tommy Robinson”, throwing missiles at police officers and kicking and pushing at riot shields when officers tried to push the mob back.

His brother, Luke Sissons, 34, of Shafton, Barnsley, was also filmed among a group rocking a police van and at the front of a mob goading officers with riot shields who were pinned against the hotel wall. //

Throw away the key. Keep this scum locked away for a long time.




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When Tommee returns from his sojourn in Cyprus I'm sure he'll visit them.

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My bet is Tommy Ten-Names will resurface in ROI. And not come back here for quite a while because a cold cell awaits 😂

//Why Do Farage’s Henchmen Attack The Police?//

Can you explain what this has to do with Farage?

I will foreward this thread's link to the press office at Reform Party HQ. They may have "views" on the content and the assertion that Nigel Farage is in some way leading them.  

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Farage widely distrubted the disinformation that the Southport attacker was a recent illegal immigrant and that the Police were withholding that from the public. As a result his knuckle dragging followers on *** mobilised and attacked the police.   
The Home Office should send him an invoice for all the Police injuries and police vehicles tourched.

//Farage widely distrubted the disinformation that the Southport attacker was a recent illegal immigrant and that the Police were withholding that from the public. //

Can you remind us of the evidence for that? All I remmeber is he said he wasn't sure the police were always telling us the truth on this case

Gromit, you're better than this. I normally think you speak sense, but this is the sort of nonsense we expect from our 'maltese' (ha ha) correspondent

It's the Rabid Right trying to destabilise the overhelmingly-elected Government.  Their bitterness at rejection knows no bounds.

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Farage linked to a report naming a Mr Ali Al-Shakati as being the culprit. His followers attacked the Southport mosque.

The real culprit was a UK born christian.

oh dear the far left getting upset, what a shame, britain for british, no mention of race here.

because  the henchmen  are far right morons ?

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Farage is now an MP.   
And the scrutiny is far harsher.

this trolling & libellous thread should be deleted - end of

Farage amplified Andrew Tate's lies to his own supporters.

But even if Andrew Tate's lies had not been lies, but the truth, it would not excuse the riots. That shows what Farage is truly all about ...

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Farage said the name Ali Al-Shakati was being withheld by the police - lies and disinformation.   

As a result the police were violently attacked by his followers.

It is a shame that AB is now populated by people who support that.

The real culprit was a UK born christian.



Who says he is a Christian?

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I did. Can't you read? 

Who says he isn't?

I believe Rwandans are nominally Roman Catholics.

No one I am aware of has excused the riots, although some have tried to point out why they arose. Many, though, don't wish to discuss the elephant, least of all suggest ways or act to prevent those causes.

You are a nobody.

Who has said this animal is a Christian?

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