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It’s A Shell

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Gromit | 21:13 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | News
7 Answers

The Wake by Khaleb Brooks intended to aid reflection on victims of slavery while acknowledging its ongoing impact will be a slavery memorial in London’s Docklands.



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It's a shell. What have snails got to do with slavery? 

They've stuck a wind chime in a public area ?!

Oh, the inhumanity.

Sadiq likes it - nuff said.

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And you do apparently 😂

What a monstrosity.I hope no tax-payers money was used to create this so called artwork?

I don't know how this ugly creation is going to aid reflection on victims of slavery. 

Money wasted, both from an aesthetic and from a purposeful point of view.  

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It’s A Shell

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